1. One-to-one support sessions

We encourage awarding bodies to continue to engage with us for support and guidance leading up to the submission window. Support sessions provide an opportunity to discuss the qualification(s) that you intend to develop and submit. We explain and clarify queries about our approvals process, qualification categories and criteria requirements. 

If you did not submit in cycle 1 and are new to the process for cycle 2, please email us to request an initial one-to-one meeting.  


2. Live webinars

IfATE delivered a live webinar on the approvals process for awarding bodies submitting level 2 and level 3 technical qualifications in cycle 2 on 04 December 2023.

This included an overview of the following information for cycle 2: 

  • categories and associated criteria
  • routes and occupational standards in scope
  • the approval process, key timelines and requirements for awarding bodies
  • support available 


3. Level 3 submission documents

Submission window dates for level 3 cycle 2 technical qualifications will be confirmed when we get clarity after the election.

Documentation required by IfATE is published below. 

  • submission form 

When completing the level 3 cycle 2 submission form, please refer to the level 3 criteria and guidance


4. Level 2 submission documents

Submission window dates for level 2 cycle 2 technical qualifications will be confirmed when we get clarity after the election

Documentation required by IfATE is published below. 

  • submission form 

When completing the level 2 cycle 2 submission form, please refer to the level 2 criteria and guidance. 


5. Mapping templates and qualification structure documents for Level 3 occupational entry qualifications

Awarding bodies need to align their level 3 occupational entry technical qualifications against the knowledge, skill and behaviour statements within the occupational standards in scope for level 3. Completion of these mapping templates is a mandatory part of the approvals process.


Agriculture, environmental and animal care: 

Mapping template level 3 – Agriculture, environmental and animal care 

Business and administration 

Mapping template level 3 - Business and administration  

Care services: 

Mapping template level 3 - Care Services 


Mapping template level 3 – Construction 

Creative and design: 

Mapping template level 3 – Creative and design 


Mapping template level 3 – Digital 

Education and early years: 

Mapping template level 3 – Education and early years 

Engineering and manufacturing 

Mapping template level 3 – Engineering and manufacturing 

Health and science 

Mapping template level 3 – Health and science 

Legal, finance and accounting:

Mapping template level 3 - Legal, finance and accounting 

Protective services: 

Mapping template level 3 – Protective services 

Sales, marketing, and procurement:  

Mapping template level 3 – Sales, marketing, and procurement 

Transport and logistics:  

Mapping template level 3 – Transport and logistics 


If an occupational standard that you wish to align a qualification to is not listed, please email us.


6. Mapping templates and qualification structure documents for Level 2 occupational entry qualifications

Mapping templates for level 2 occupational entry qualifications will be available in due course.


7. Mapping templates and qualification structure documents for Level 3 additional specialist qualifications

Mapping template level 3 – additional specialist qualifications.

Qualification structure document

Completion of these documents is a mandatory part of the approvals process, where awarding bodies are submitting into this category of qualification. 

Completing the additional specialist qualification mapping template - (Tutorial video 5m 55s) 


8. Mapping templates and qualification structure documents for Level 2 additional specialist qualifications

A mapping template for level 2 additional specialist qualifications will be available in due course.


9. Mapping templates and qualification structure documents for Level 3 occupational progression qualifications

Mapping template level 3 – occupational progression qualifications.

Qualification structure document

Completion of these documents is a mandatory part of the approvals process, where awarding bodies are submitting into this category of qualification.


10. Pre-recorded webinars

The following webinars have been recorded to support awarding bodies with their level 3 and level 2 submissions. They include information on:



Published 9 November 2023
Last updated 12 June 2024
(SK, AG)