
T Levels are two-year, technical qualifications designed with businesses and employers to give students the skills that industry need. They are equivalent in size to 3 A levels and are for 16-19 year old learners after completing their GCSE’s.

They are based on occupational standards and provide a mixture of technical knowledge and skills specific to a chosen industry and an industry placement of at least 45 days.

These T Level Progression Profiles show the range of opportunities available following completion of a T Level, which include employment, apprenticeships, and higher and further education (such as degree and Higher Technical Qualifications options).

How we develop progression profiles

IfATE has worked with employers, providers and industry experts to identify the range of progression options available following completion of a T Level, aligned with our occupational maps. This includes mapping content that is common to each T Level and its associated occupational standards. The Department for Education has also been working with higher education providers to identify options for progression into higher education.

The mapping indicates which areas may still need further development before full competence is reached in that occupation and whether a learner may be able to complete an apprenticeship in a reduced timeframe due to the application of recognised prior learning (RPL). This will be determined by an initial assessment of the learner. Additional information indicating the areas for further development has been included below to support this initial assessment.

The profiles will evolve as T Levels and occupational standards are updated and as we continue to engage with employers, providers and industry experts.

T Level progression profiles show routes a learner may be able to take after their course. Profiles may not cover all opportunities and others may be available. Profiles are also live documents, reviewed and updated twice a year. All changes to apprenticeship standards and other products will be added to the profiles. The national careers service website has information on each career option and on how to speak to a careers adviser.


1. Digital

T Levels in Digital 

There are three digital T Levels. Please follow the link below to find the progression options and profile for all three T Levels across wave 1 and wave 2:

a) T Level in Digital production, design and development 

b) T Level in Digital support services

c) T Level in Digital business services


2. Construction

T Levels in Construction

There are three construction T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profiles for all three T Levels across wave 1 and wave 2:

a) T Level in Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction

b) T Level in Onsite Construction

c) T Level in Building Services Engineering for Construction


3. Education and Childcare

T Level in Education and Childcare

There is one education and childcare T Level. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profile for the T Level in wave 1:

a) T Level in Education and Childcare


4. Engineering and Manufacturing

T Levels in Engineering and Manufacturing

There are three engineering and manufacturing T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profiles for all three T Levels in wave 3:

a. T Level in Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing and Control

b. T Level in Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing

c. T Level in Design and Development for Engineering and Manufacturing


T Levels in Legal, Finance and Accounting

There are three legal, finance and accounting T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profiles for the two T Levels in wave 3:

a. T Level in Accounting

b. T Level in Finance

c. T Level in Legal Services


6. Business and Administration

T Levels in Business and Administration

There is one business and administration T Level. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profile for the T Level in wave 3:

a) T Level in Management and Administration 


7. Health and science

T Levels in Health

There are three health and science T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profiles for all 3 T Levels.

a) T Level in Health

b) T Level in Science

c) T Level in Healthcare Science


8. Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care

T Levels in Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care (AEAC)

There are two AEAC T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression profiles for T Levels in delivery. 

a) T Level in Agriculture, Land Management and Production

b) T Level in Animal Care and Management 


9. Creative and Design

T Levels in Creative and Design

There are two Creative and Design T Levels. Please follow the links below to find the progression profiles for T Levels in delivery.

a) T Level in Craft and Design

b) T Level in Media, Broadcast and Production 


10. Marketing, Sales and Procurement

There is one Marketing, Sales and Procurement  T Level. Please follow the links below to find the progression options and profile for the T Level

a) Marketing


11. Next steps

Additional progression profiles for T Levels currently in development or standards which are under review will be updated regularly.

If you are an employer, provider or industry expert in Marketing, Animal Care and Management, Craft and Design, or Media, Broadcast and Production and would like to be involved in the development of our progression work, please contact


Last updated 9 January 2025
(MP, NS)