This apprenticeship has options. This document is currently showing the following option:
This occupation is found in voluntary and statutory social care and protective services, to provide advocacy and support to those experiencing, at risk of, and recovering from, domestic abuse and or sexual violence This includes the provision of information and advice, raising awareness, signposting and referrals.
The broad purpose of the occupation is to provide early intervention, specialist advocacy, emotional and practical support to those who are experiencing and recovering from domestic abuse and or sexual violence at all levels of risk. This includes the provision of information and advice, emergency accommodation, awareness raising, signposting and referral.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, and their children, as well as professionals in social care and protective services such as police, housing providers, local authorities, social workers, medical providers, education providers, legal professionals, civil and criminal court staff, and probation and prison staff. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for working as part of a co-ordinated community response, applying specialist knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts to provide advocacy and support to those facing or at risk from domestic and sexual violence and abuse to ensure safety, wellbeing, and recovery. They will carry out risk and needs assessments and undertake safety planning with survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, and work within a multi-agency framework to ensure the safety of adult and child survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, is prioritised. This may include supporting on a one-to-one or group level with survivors and perpetrators, updating and collating information from a range of service providers, updating own knowledge regarding legal, health, housing, finances and safety requirements related to domestic and sexual violence and abuse, recording case work and progressing case work through the application of knowledge and skills. There are many different job titles used for occupations in the domestic and sexual violence sector and it would be impossible to include all, especially as there are different job titles for those that carry out the same roles in different organisations. However, there are clear distinctions made between those that support adults, those that support children and those that only support victims of sexual violence. The options offered in this standard reflect this and enables all apprentices to gain an apprenticeship for their given job role.
A satisfactory enhanced DBS check will be an entry requirement for the programme.
Duty | KSBs |
Duty 1 Respond to and manage information from survivors and supply information to external agencies. |
Duty 2 Respond to and manage crisis situations whilst adhering to lone working policies and other relevant procedures. |
Duty 3 Carry out risk assessment and safety planning with survivors whilst considering safeguarding issues and individual support needs. |
Duty 4 Commit to equality and challenge inequality and discrimination in all aspects of practice. |
Duty 5 Use different communication methods and adapt your style to achieve the desired outcomes for survivors. |
Duty 6 Create a safe and appropriate environment for survivors within the context of your service using trauma informed approaches. |
Duty 7 Manage and maintain casework and information sharing in line with legal requirements and organisational policy and procedures. |
Duty 8 Raise awareness of the nature, prevalence, and consequences of all forms of domestic and sexual abuse and violence. |
Duty 9 Support survivors through criminal and or civil court processes. |
Duty 10 Support and engage with survivors to inform them of local and regional services. |
Duty 11 Advocate for survivors and their families within multi-agency settings and processes. |
Duty 12 Provide information and support to enable survivors to make their own informed choices towards recovery. |
Duty 13 Maintain own wellbeing and personal development via training or supervision |
Duty | KSBs |
Duty 14 Demonstrate an understanding of trauma and apply trauma informed approaches in support interventions. |
Duty 15 Contribute to and promote local and national initiatives including consultations and campaigns. |
Duty 16 Support survivors to explore appropriate accommodation and access appropriate health, welfare and financial support using local and national provisions. |
K8 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21 K23 K24 K41
Duty 17 Support survivors who are not British citizens, including asylum-seekers, refugees, individuals from the European Economic Area (EEA) and other migrants, to access safe housing, financial support and other services using local and statutory provisions that meet cultural and religious needs. |
Duty 18 Support survivors to understand the nature and impact of the abuse on their family and assist them in accessing relevant resources. |
Duty | KSBs |
Duty 19 Support children, young people and their parent or carer with their emotional and practical needs. |
Duty 20 Provide engagement activities appropriate to the child or young person’s individual experience of abuse. |
Duty 21 Empower and support survivors with tools to maintain and strengthen their relationships with their children. |
Duty 22 Carry out early intervention and preventative work with children and young people. |
Duty 23 Contribute to initiatives to educate children and young people around consent, healthy relationships, gender inequality and all forms of domestic and sexual abuse and violence. |
Duty | KSBs |
Duty 24 Act as an advocate to challenge institutional discrimination. |
Duty 25 Deliver a specialist advocacy service for survivors and co-survivors of sexual violence that focuses on meeting the individual needs of the client, recognises and responds to intersecting causes of oppression. |
Duty 26 Identify and challenge myths and stereotypes surrounding sexual violence. |
Duty 27 Provide trauma informed, strengths-based, client led support to survivors of sexual violence. |
Duty 28 Support clients in understanding their reactions in the immediacy of sexual violence and recognising and managing the longer-term impacts they might experience. |
K1: Organisational policies and procedures for responding to crisis situations.
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K2: Organisational policies and procedures for risk assessment, safeguarding and safety planning and the tools which can be used.
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K3: Gendered, historical, social, and intersectional contexts of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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K4: Legislation and organisational policies and procedures relevant to the sector including those relating to anti-discrimination and equality.
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K5: Case management systems used by own organisation, how they operate and monitor outcomes, and how they should be used within own role and in line with organisational policies and procedures.
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K6: Organisational policies and procedures for supporting survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, through police and court processes.
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K7: Civil and criminal sanctions, remedies and orders available to hold perpetrators accountable and promote the safety of victims.
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K8: Types of information available from external organisations and how to obtain it.
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K9: Different communication aids that can be used when working remotely or face to face.
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K10: The importance of communicating with survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, considering their individual backgrounds and experiences of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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K11: Professional boundaries and responsibilities of the role and the importance of maintaining independence.
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K12: Models of reflective practice and how reflection can be used to improve own practice.
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K13: Programmes that are available to aid recovery and promote the empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence and or how to deliver the programmes.
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K14: Ways in which survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence can input into own organisation’s and national processes and governance.
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K15: Sources of secondary and institutional abuse and ways of addressing these including through complaints procedures to promote the empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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K16: The importance of raising awareness of accountability of perpetrators of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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K17: Options available to survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence to access safe accommodation and secure a permanent address.
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K18: Ways that survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence can access legal, financial, voluntary and statutory support services.
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K19: How statutory homelessness duties apply, and local and regional policies on obtaining social housing.
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K20: How to support survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence with child maintenance services applications.
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K21: How immigration status can affect statutory access to healthcare and other services and support.
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K22: Ways to support survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence who are not British citizens with accessing help and support.
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K23: The availability and priorities of other agencies and support services for survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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K24: What constitutes a needs-led approach to safety.
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K25: The impacts of domestic abuse on children and young people and how to support them.
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K26: Ways to communicate with children and young people using technologies adapted to individual needs.
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K27: How to design appropriate activities for children and young people.
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K28: Ways to support and involve survivors who are parents when working with their children.
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K29: Techniques to support and promote the empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence when dealing with contact from children and young people and family court processes.
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K30: The importance of carrying out preventative work and activities for children and young people, and the different programmes available.
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K31: The rights, entitlements and support options available to children and young people, and how to access services.
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K32: Agencies that support children and young people, and their referral and information requirements.
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K33: Core values and empowerment models to adopt when supporting and working with survivors of sexual violence.
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K34: Agencies that support survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE), and how to make referrals to these.
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K35: When and how to challenge myths and stereotypes about survivors of sexual abuse.
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K36: Impacts of sexual assault and sexual exploitation on children, young people, and adult survivors.
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K37: Different ways that survivors of sexual abuse and violence may be impacted by their experiences, including cognitive, practical, emotional and behavioural responses and how to adapt provision of support to meet their needs.
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K38: Barriers to disclosure and how to identify and overcome them.
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K39: The rights, entitlements and support options available to survivors of sexual violence, and how to access services and specialist advice.
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K40: The agencies and support services in place for survivors of sexual violence and how priorities may affect their availability.
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K41: The range of impacts domestic abuse and or sexual violence can have on survivors and how to adapt service provision to support them.
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K42: The importance of self-care and available support structures.
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S1: Recognise crisis situations and respond within the required timescales in line with organisational policies and procedures.
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S2: Carry out risk assessments, safeguarding and safety planning using risk assessment tools.
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S3: Assist and promote the empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence who may have experienced inequality, discrimination and or forms of injustice.
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S4: Engage with survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence from marginalised and disadvantaged groups and diverse social backgrounds and identities in ways that respond to their individual identities.
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S5: Challenge intersectional gaps in service provision and or redress them.
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S6: Raise awareness about the intersections of multiple forms of disadvantage and their relevance to domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S7: Use own organisation’s case management systems in line with organisational policies and procedures.
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S8: Use information sources to advise survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence on protective sanctions, orders and remedies they can access through court processes and or refer them to appropriate specialist advice.
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S9: Support survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence through police investigations and or court processes within the context of own role.
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S10: Act as an independent advocate for survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S11: Adapt your communication method and style to meet the needs of the survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S12: Use communication aids to meet survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence’ specific needs.
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S13: Facilitate or assist in running programmes to aid recovery and promote the empowerment of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S14: Use trauma-informed and needs-led approaches when assisting survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence to participate in service provision activities.
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S15: Raise awareness of the importance of accountability of perpetrators’ actions.
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S16: Refer and signpost survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence to other relevant voluntary or statutory multi-agency partners.
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S17: Reflect on own practice and access available supervision and case management support.
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S18: Maintain own continuous professional development and revise practice based on feedback received.
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S19: Support survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence to access safe and permanent accommodation and advocate for their rights.
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S20: Secure specialist legal and financial advice for survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S21: Support survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence to be more aware of their rights and options and support with applications through child maintenance services when required.
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S22: Work with survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence who are not British citizens to access relevant help and support for themselves and or their families including those with no recourse to public funds.
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S23: Advocate for healthcare provision for all survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence, including those with no recourse to public funds.
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S24: Use a range of interventions to support and promote the safety and wellbeing of survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S25: Explore the emotional and practical needs of children and young people to support and help them to recover.
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S26: Communicate with children and young people using technology to meet their needs and situations.
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S27: Enable children and young people to co-design and adapt activities in a safe environment.
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S28: Support and involve survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence in their role as parents when undertaking work with their children and young people.
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S29: Develop and carry out preventative work and activities to support other professionals who work with children and young people in different contexts.
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S30: Support and empower survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence and their children and or young people to ensure their voices are included within local and national responses and or processes related to domestic violence and or sexual abuse.
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S31: Collaborate with different agencies when dealing with safeguarding children and young people.
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S32: Work within the boundaries of legislation and organisational policies and procedures and apply these to the responsibilities of own role.
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S33: Establish, develop and manage professional relationships with survivors of sexual violence, setting out the boundaries of the relationship within own area of competence.
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S34: Work within the empowerment model to ensure that the service is client-led and recognises the impact of the victims and or survivors’ experiences of sexual abuse.
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S35: Provide client-led practical and emotional support to survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence.
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S36: Act as an institutional advocate for survivors of different forms of sexual abuse.
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S37: Recognise the impacts of child sexual abuse and or child sexual exploitation on children and or young people and the longer-term impacts of child sexual abuse and or child sexual exploitation on adult survivors.
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S38: Provide emotional support to survivors of domestic abuse and or sexual violence experiencing impacts of child sexual abuse and or child sexual exploitation.
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S39: Promote the empowerment of survivors of sexual abuse to identify barriers to disclosure and work with them to over-come the barriers.
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S40: Recognise the importance of self-care, taking appropriate action when required.
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S41: Empower survivors to contribute to the co-design of services and provide them with a safe environment to do so.
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S42: Provide services that reflect the specific needs of both children and young people and adult survivors of sexual violence.
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S43: Assist survivors of sexual violence with the referral processes of external support agencies.
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S44: Support survivors to access specialist information to raise their awareness of their rights and options.
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B1: Treat people with dignity and respect.
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B2: Be caring and compassionate.
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B3: Speak up and challenge.
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B4: Be competent, reliable and committed.
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B5: Be honest and accountable.
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B6: Be non-discriminating anti-oppressive and anti-racist.
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B7: Be survivor-centred.
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Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.
Version | Change detail | Earliest start date | Latest start date |
1.0 | Approved for delivery | 19/04/2024 | Not set |
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