Key information

  1. Reference: ST1388
  2. Date updated: 06/03/2024
  3. Level: 4
  4. Route: Creative and design
  5. Regulated occupation: No
Print occupational standard

Details of the occupational standard

Information Symbol

Higher Technical Qualification

Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are designed to be delivered within a course of education. Some Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours may be more safely and reliably delivered in workplace settings, so may not be fully covered by the HTQ. Some qualifications will deliver additional content or added depth and breadth through, for example, use of specialist learning environments, work placements or innovative teaching methods. Check with the qualification provider if you require further information on coverage.

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in multiple sectors including government, scientific, crime, social, commercial, cultural heritage, media, journalism and advertising.

Photographic companies and studios vary in size and the number of employees they have, and are described as small, medium, or large companies. A large proportion of photographers are freelance or self-employed, operating their own studio or supplying multiple clients. They are to be found across England and the UK.

The output and remit of a Photographic studio is varied, and they will produce work for a range of clients across subject areas. Some studios may specialise in one subject area, e.g. wedding or portrait photography. 

The broad purpose of the occupation is to work autonomously and with customers or clients collaborating with other departments as required to produce, manage and deliver photographic assets to meet agreed requirements. 

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with clients, subjects, retouchers and other stakeholders involved in the production of images. They will set up and operate photographic equipment in a manner to obtain the best image in accordance with the customer/client brief.

They will need to be aware of the activities of their occupation which contribute to their “professional carbon footprint” and steps to reduce this. 

This is a junior level role, and the line management and reporting structure of the team will vary according to the size of the employer, this could involve working to a supervisory photographer. Learners must be able to take direction and feedback, to create the photographic images required, according to the brief.

They can work in indoor studios as well as outside locations using digital or film cameras; producing stills or video imagery of a variety of subjects and objects for a wide range of uses. Photographers tend to work in digital formats with DSLR or mirrorless cameras. A very small number of specialist photographers may use analogue equipment with silver-based imaging but this is not mainstream. Photographers offering video imaging services to customers/clients is increasing. Use of associated technology such as drones is also becoming more common.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for, carrying out skilled work in the photographic industry to generate, print or publish a photographic image. Some staff working in specialist areas will be responsible for processing and printing imagery from photographic films using non-digital equipment.

Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship, the individual may move into further and higher education, or secure employment or self-employment in the respective sector of the photographic industry they have worked in.

Occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Ensure work and professional practice complies with legal, regulatory and ethical codes, guidelines and principles.

K3 K4 K5 K12

S1 S2 S3 S25

B2 B3 B4

Duty 2 Review your own professional practice and keep up-to-date with trends and technology.

K1 K2

S4 S5 S6 S7 S25

B1 B2 B5

Duty 3 Interpret a photographic brief, scope, evaluate and develop ideas for the images.

K6 K7 K8 K9 K15 K16

S8 S9

B1 B2 B5

Duty 4 Work autonomously and with customers or clients collaborating with other departments as required to ensure that the photographic images are delivered to meet agreed requirements.

K7 K9 K10 K11 K12

S10 S11


Duty 5 Set-up, operate and maintain current industry standard photographic equipment and software.

K13 K14 K15

S12 S13 S14

B1 B2

Duty 6 Produce photographic assets to meet the requirements of the brief.


S15 S16 S17 S18

B1 B2

Duty 7 Manage photographic assets through the workflow in line with organisational requirements for organising, storing and retrieving assets.

K10 K17 K18 K23

S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S24

B1 B2

Duty 8 Edit and post produce photographic content to meet the requirements of the brief

K19 K20 K21 K22

S22 S23 S24


Duty 9 Set up and/or follow photographic file management protocols, file and store data securely.

K23 K24

S21 S22 S24



K1: Range of functions, roles and skills within photo imaging and employers and professional bodies representing the industry. Back to Duty

K2: Approaches to and resources for maintaining up-to-date knowledge of existing and evolving technology, trends and platforms. Back to Duty

K3: Own responsibilities towards health and safety and how to recognise and address environmental hazards in their workplace. Back to Duty

K4: Legislation, regulations and guidance for the photo imaging industry including copyright and intellectual property, GDPR, model release and photography of children. Back to Duty

K5: Insurance requirements including professional indemnity and public liability. Back to Duty

K6: Camera settings and the relationship between; aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Back to Duty

K7: How to interpret a photographic brief prior to a shoot including client/colleague engagement. Back to Duty

K8: Potential factors that can affect what can be achieved upon receiving the brief including aesthetics, own personal style, legal and ethical matters. Back to Duty

K9: Resource requirements including budget, time, suppliers, technical specifications and sustainability considerations. Back to Duty

K10: Own business or organisation’s strategy and objectives, the business environment and business issues related to photographic projects and customer needs. Back to Duty

K11: How and when to work independently or interact within a team, understanding own role within the organisation. Back to Duty

K12: Importance of communications and customer/client service to the organisation, including how to handle enquiries, comments and complaints. Back to Duty

K13: How to safely set up, operate and store photographic equipment in different environments and situations. Back to Duty

K14: Causes of common faults/issues in photographic equipment, fault- finding, the maintenance and fixing of faults and knowing when to escalate an issue. Back to Duty

K15: Principles of light including using available light combinations (e.g., daylight, free- standing lights and camera mounted flash), lenses and exposure. Back to Duty

K16: Principles of composition such as rule of thirds, leading lines and symmetry. Back to Duty

K17: End-to-end photographic workflow and planning process, the key stages including postproduction and own role and responsibilities within this. Back to Duty

K18: Importance of metadata and keywording in allowing for the search and proper identifications of stored images and how to enter key metadata to store specific information in photo editing software in the workplace. Back to Duty

K19: Range of available industry-standard software relevant to image retouching and how to use it. Back to Duty

K20: Colour management – the reasons for, and use of, colour profiles and the calibration of monitors for printing purposes. Back to Duty

K21: How to manage different formats, including the digitisation of historic images and how to convert file formats, selecting the most appropriate file format and the significance of lossy or lossless compression. Back to Duty

K22: Concepts and techniques of video editing required to construct video sequences and edit points to tell a story using industry-standard editing systems. Back to Duty

K23: How to make sure the imaging system is secure, free from viruses and password protected. Back to Duty

K24: Own organisation’s procedures relating to sending and receiving material in the format to meet the customer/client brief. Back to Duty


S1: Comply with legislation, regulations and guidance including copyright and health & safety. Back to Duty

S2: Provide necessary permissions for use of images and issue licenses for own work as required. Back to Duty

S3: Use reliable information to keep up-to-date with the new tools, equipment, and other related technology, and how they affect own work. Back to Duty

S4: Discuss with the customer/client the purpose of the work, objectives, the deadline, budget and amount of flexibility in meeting the brief. Back to Duty

S5: Use the information gathered from the customer/client to review, evaluate and select the preferred approach to the work. Back to Duty

S6: Prepare and present the possible approaches to the brief to the client/customer. Back to Duty

S7: Identify and mitigate health and safety issues likely to arise from the brief. Back to Duty

S8: Manage own workload and operate both individually and as part of a wider photographic team, keeping internal and external stakeholders updated on progress and reporting any issues arising. Back to Duty

S9: Manage developing situations with customers/clients such as customer relations, complaints, dissatisfaction and business environment and know when to escalate these as required. Back to Duty

S10: Select equipment and resources suitable for the task considering, the end purpose of the imagery, the location and existing light conditions. Back to Duty

S11: Assemble and position equipment safely, checking for any issues and carrying out repairs as required. Back to Duty

S12: Determine the camera settings and lighting arrangements to meet the task and adjust if required. Back to Duty

S13: Take images that achieve the viewpoint, composition and point of focus. Back to Duty

S14: Record, clearly and accurately, information required throughout workflow. Back to Duty

S15: Embed copyright and other key metadata information in images in standard image file formats. Back to Duty

S16: Assign keywords to classify images including by content, topic and concept. Back to Duty

S17: Manage key metadata so it is preserved throughout the workflow to storage. Back to Duty

S18: Export finished content or work-in-progress with metadata, from post-production systems to the customer/client. Back to Duty

S19: Determine an agreed approach with the client/customer to be adopted for retouching the image(s) in line with their requirements. Back to Duty

S20: Produce retouched images, check the quality of the retouched images against client requirements and workplace standards. Back to Duty

S21: Follow protocol to save the retouched image files in the correct format ready for outputting or storage. Back to Duty

S22: Implement workplace security procedures to check the system security, virus protection and file security. Back to Duty

S23: Diagnose any problems in the imaging system using problem solving techniques. Back to Duty

S24: Review and implement procedures in place to maintain a history of all image files. Back to Duty

S25: Undertake continuing professional development within the role, reflecting systematically on progress and identifying opportunities for meaningful improvement. Back to Duty


B1: Works collaboratively to build and maintain positive relationships with colleagues, customers/clients and suppliers. Back to Duty

B2: Takes ownership of work, with a strong work ethic and commitment to achieving high standards. Back to Duty

B3: Committed to keeping up to date with new technologies, including viable sustainability solutions, and industry best practice. Resourceful in finding creative solutions to solve problems. Back to Duty

B4: Works in a professional and ethical manner, embracing equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Back to Duty

B5: Reflective. Considers the results of the images or videography created and identifies areas for improvement or re-use. Back to Duty

Foundation Degree Film and Media Production

Qualification type: HTQ

Qualification level: 5

Applicant: New College Durham

Awarding body: New College Durham

Approval date: 28/10/2024

Occupational pathway: N/A

Placement: No

Aligned occupational standards

ST1388 Photographer

Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Photography for England

Qualification type: HTQ

Qualification level: 4

Applicant: Pearson Education Ltd

Awarding body: Pearson Education Ltd

Approval date: 28/10/2024

Occupational pathway: N/A

Placement: No

Aligned occupational standards

ST1388 Photographer

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