Key information

  1. Reference: OCC0022
  2. Date updated: 10/08/2023
  3. Level: 3
  4. Route: Construction and the built environment
  5. Regulated occupation: No

Details of the occupational standard

Information Symbol

T-Levels logoT Levels focus on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

Occupation summary

Asbestos is a hazardous material that is present within many buildings in the UK and past exposure currently results in 5000 deaths per year. Asbestos Analysts and Surveyors perform an essential role in the identification, analysis and monitoring of asbestos materials by assisting employers and property owners in understanding the risks asbestos presents and advising on how to control these risks. This occupational role is essential in order to ensure employers comply with the legal duties placed on them. The role involves the inspection of buildings, premises and machinery for the presence of asbestos materials as well as the assessment of identified materials and the provision of information to employers to allow them to manage the risks the asbestos may present. The widespread nature of asbestos means visiting a wide range of building types including schools, offices, factories and homes. In addition to this, the role will involve the monitoring and management of asbestos removal operations. To ensure no conflict of interest the surveyor role does not involve removal work, which must be carried out by an independent organisation. The surveyor will assess the presence of asbestos and identify where levels are such that they require removal action to take place. Removal contractors will carry out the removal and an independent surveyor will carry out final checks before the building is returned to the owner. The occupation involves working in a highly-controlled environment with all works being undertaken in accordance with strict regulatory guidelines, enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and meeting the technical requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).



K1: How asbestos use changed with time Back to Duty

K2: How asbestos regulations have changed and the impact this has had on the use of asbestos in buildings and how this may affect identification Back to Duty

K3: Phased prohibition of different types of asbestos fibres and products Back to Duty

K4: Why asbestos was used in buildings Back to Duty

K5: Why and where asbestos was used in buildings and techniques to be used to identify and locate it Back to Duty

K6: What buildings are likely to contain asbestos and where Back to Duty

K7: The different asbestos regulations and guidance documents relevant to their role being performed Back to Duty

K8: How regulations apply in different workplaces and environments Back to Duty

K9: The collection and monitoring of airborne asbestos fibres Back to Duty

K10: How to collect and analyse samples using microscopy Back to Duty

K11: How to perform buildings inspections for the presence of asbestos Back to Duty

K12: The requirements of The Health & Safety Executive, United Kingdom Accreditation Service and other technical documentation Back to Duty


S1: Operate a range of sampling equipment to identify asbestos Back to Duty

S2: To maintain, calibrate and repair measuring and sampling equipment Back to Duty

S3: To use different types of microscopes suitable for the analytical work being performed Back to Duty

S4: To use specialist plant and machinery for the task being undertaken Back to Duty

S5: Undertake surveys suitable for the management of asbestos in buildings Back to Duty

S6: Undertake surveys for the refurbishment or demolition of buildings Back to Duty

S7: Provide information about asbestos risks to property managers Back to Duty

S8: Provide guidance to property owners and managers on actions to be taken when asbestos is present Back to Duty

S9: Analyse samples for the presence of asbestos fibres in a range of materials using chemical preparation, morphologically and composition Back to Duty

S10: Report on the presence of the regulated asbestos types found within samples Back to Duty

S11: Undertake the collection of air samples including personal, background, reassurance and clearance sampling Back to Duty

S12: Perform fibre counting using Phase Contrast Microscopy and calculate and report on the findings of this analysis Back to Duty

S13: Undertake the necessary additional checks required to ensure the samples meet regulatory requirements, such as visual inspections of work areas and enclosures Back to Duty

S14: Review and assess method statements and risk assessments Back to Duty

S15: Document findings and report on those findings Back to Duty


B1: Act in a professional manner demonstrating both impartiality and integrity as per HSE and UKAS requirements Back to Duty

B2: Be environmentally aware, showing a willingness to minimise their impact upon the working environment in line with guidance provided by HSE Back to Duty

B3: Display a willingness to work within a team to achieve an end goal and to provide the necessary support in reaching that goal Back to Duty

B4: Be customer-focussed, understanding the importance of ensuring information is delivered clearly and in an easy-to-understand way for customers and employers need to ensure information is clear to members of the public and employers Back to Duty

B5: Be able to work alone and make decisions necessary to ensure a satisfactory outcome is achieved within the regulatory framework Back to Duty

B6: Be proactive in their own development and willing to commit to lifelong learning and development Back to Duty

B7: Maintain the confidentiality of information and provide high levels of customer service Back to Duty

T Level in design, surveying and planning for construction

Awarding organisation: Pearson

Qualification type: T Level Qualification level: 3 Qualification approved: 01/04/2020

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