This apprenticeship is in development and is subject to change

Why is this apprenticeship not ready for delivery?

An apprenticeship is only available for delivery when both the standard and assessment plan is approved and a funding band (core government contribution) has been assigned to the standard.

How can I get involved?

If you'd like to get involved and contribute to the development of this apprenticeship, please read about developing standards and assessment plans. You can email the trailblazer contact using the details on this page.

Options 1-4 of ST0233 Hospitality Team Member are being replaced with this new apprenticeship. This apprenticeship will be available for starts on 1 April 2025 with a funding band of £6000.

Options 1-4 of ST0233 will remain live for new starts until 31 March 2025 when they will be retired. 

Key information

  1. Status: Standard in development
  2. Ticked Proposal approved
    Ticked Occupational standard approved
    Ticked End-point assessment plan approved
    Ticked Funding approved
  3. Reference: ST1488
  4. Version: 1.0
  5. Level: 2
  6. Minimum duration to gateway: 12 months
  7. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  8. Maximum funding: £6000
  9. Route: Catering and hospitality
  10. Integration: None
  11. Date updated: 20/01/2025
  12. EQA provider: Ofqual is the intended EQA provider
  13. Example progression routes:
  14. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.

Details of the occupational standard

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in a large range of sectors across the hospitality industry, one of the most diverse industries globally. Employers range from small to large. Food and Beverage team members work in a range of establishments including restaurants, cafes, counter service, licensed premises, casinos, and coffee shops.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to assemble and serve a range of food and beverages to customers, ensuring a seamless and quality customer experience. General duties include making beverages such as cocktails, coffees and other drinks, serving food and beverages, managing bookings, greeting and serving customers, promoting items, managing groups of customers, taking payments and resolving any issues or complaints. In a restaurant, for example, food and beverage team members would be expected to perform a variety of daily activities, such as monitoring and managing customers to ensure customer needs are met, waiting tables, serving beverages and assisting customers, communicating efficiently and effectively and creating a positive and comfortable environment. Food and beverage team members would clean and sanitise work areas, utensils and equipment and make sure seating areas were cleared and ready for new customers. Team members are responsible for presenting promotions to customers, and upselling items. Team members are expected to monitor and replenish stock front of house.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with... a variety of people including other members of their team and managers. They collaborate closely with back of house colleagues and across the wider organisation. Their main point of contact is with external customers such as restaurant or cafe guests where they are largely responsible for the customer experience.

 An employee in this occupation will be responsible for... carrying out a range of food and beverage service activities, in restaurants, bars, pubs, counter service, and coffee outlets and meeting quality, deadline, productivity, hygiene, financial and environmental requirements. They are largely responsible for timing of service, atmosphere, and guest management front of house. Employees are responsible for applying legislation related to food safety as well as general Health and Safety. They are responsible for ensuring customer needs are met and acting to increase the popularity of the establishment and profitability of products, including promoting items and upselling to customers. They will contribute to stock management, proactive planning, and risk management, meeting daily, weekly, and monthly to provide innovative suggestions and ideas. They will ensure safe production of food, beverages and other products, and a safe, calm and professional working environment for themselves and colleagues. Typically, they will report to a designated supervisor or manager.

Typical job titles include:

Bar person Bartender Food and beverage assistant Food and beverage team member Waiter or waitress

Occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Serve food and beverages maintaining individual company standards.

K1 K6 K7 K8 K10 K12 K13 K15 K17 K20 K23 K24 K26

S1 S5 S6 S7 S9 S11 S12 S16 S18 S20


Duty 2 Deliver relevant food and beverage services, taking opportunities to maximise sales and improve customer experience and satisfaction.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K10 K13 K14 K16 K22

S2 S3 S9 S12 S13 S15 S20

B2 B3

Duty 3 Use communication effectively when delivering service, adapting communication to individual needs.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K10 K11 K12 K16 K22

S2 S3 S9 S10 S11 S15 S20


Duty 4 Maintain a safe, hygienic, and efficient working environment in line with individual business processes.

K1 K5 K11 K13 K20 K25

S4 S12 S18


Duty 5 When providing service, ensure compliance with legislations; health and safety, food safety, including allergens, and licensing laws relevant to own role.

K1 K5 K6 K7 K13 K20 K23 K24 K25

S4 S5 S6 S12 S18


Duty 6 Engage with and use technology and equipment relevant to role appropriately and safely.

K1 K8 K9 K11 K13

S7 S8 S12 S14


Duty 7 Handle transactions and payments securely.

K8 K9 K13

S7 S8 S12

B2 B3 B4

Duty 8 Work as part of a team to ensure the delivery of allocated tasks, proactively dealing with any issues to ensure service is maintained.

K1 K10 K11 K12 K13 K16 K18 K19

S9 S10 S11 S12 S15 S17 S20

B1 B3 B5

Duty 9 Monitor and maintain stock levels in line with demand.

K13 K14 K15

S12 S13

B3 B4

Duty 10 Know when and how to escalate issues and to whom.

K11 K12 K16

S10 S11 S14 S15

B2 B4 B5

Duty 11 Take personal responsibility for own development.

K13 K17 K18 K19 K26

S12 S16 S17 S20


Duty 12 Comply with employer's expectations of professional standards in the workplace.

K1 K12 K16 K17 K18 K19

S11 S15 S16 S17

B1 B3 B4 B5 B6

Duty 13 Engage with sustainability practices and initiatives within own business area and encourage others to seek opportunities to reduce impact on the environment.

K15 K20


Duty 14 Contribute ideas and suggestions to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of standard operating processes and ways of working.


B3 B5

Duty 15 Comply with principles and policies of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

K16 K21 K22

S15 S19

B3 B5



K1: Business standards for the service of food and beverages. Back to Duty

K2: Range of food and beverages, their price, and any pairings, deals or offers. Back to Duty

K3: Techniques to maximise sales and improve customer experience; cross selling, upselling. Back to Duty

K4: Methods of communication with customers and how to tailor communication to different situations and customer needs. Back to Duty

K5: Methods for maintaining a hygienic, safe, and secure working environment. Back to Duty

K6: Health and safety legislation, regulations, guidelines and procedures relevant to own role. Back to Duty

K7: Food safety and allergen legislation and procedures applicable to own role. Back to Duty

K8: Functions and procedures for safe and correct use of equipment and technology relevant to own role. Back to Duty

K9: Processes for handling transactions and payments securely. Back to Duty

K10: The importance of teamwork and the impact on service delivery. Back to Duty

K11: Company procedures for fixing or escalating equipment or technology faults and maintenance issues. Limits of own role. Back to Duty

K12: Professional methods of communication, verbal, non-verbal, and written, between team members in a hospitality environment. Back to Duty

K13: Methods of planning own workload and prioritising tasks. Back to Duty

K14: Impact of full stock availability on the customer and the financial performance of the business. Back to Duty

K15: Principles of stock management and rotation; first in, first out. Back to Duty

K16: Methods of dealing with or escalating feedback, complaints or issues that impact service and customer experience, to business standards. Back to Duty

K17: Where to go to access information about new products and processes within the business. Back to Duty

K18: Principles of using feedback to maximise own performance. Back to Duty

K19: Professional standards including behaviour, appearance, timekeeping and efficient delivery of expected tasks. Back to Duty

K20: Methods to sustainably reduce the waste of resources, in line with business standards. Back to Duty

K21: Legislation and principles relating to equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Back to Duty

K22: Customer types and how their specific needs and customer journeys differ. Back to Duty

K23: Responsibilities of a server under the licensing act. Back to Duty

K24: Legislation related to weights and measures when serving alcohol. Back to Duty

K25: Food safety inspections, relevance to own role, and penalties for non-compliance with legislation. Back to Duty

K26: Different types of organisation that make up the wider hospitality industry. Back to Duty


S1: Serve food and beverages to individual business standards. Back to Duty

S2: Identify opportunities and apply techniques to increase sales and improve customer experience. Back to Duty

S3: Tailors communication techniques to meet customer needs and build rapport. Back to Duty

S4: Maintain a safe, hygienic, and secure working environment. Back to Duty

S5: Comply with health and safety legislation, regulations, guidelines and procedures. Back to Duty

S6: Follow food safety and allergen legislation and procedures applicable to own role. Back to Duty

S7: Use technology and equipment in line with business policy to meet customer needs. Back to Duty

S8: Handle transactions and payments securely. Back to Duty

S9: Work as part of a team to ensure that the products and services are delivered on time and in line with business needs Back to Duty

S10: Deal with or escalate issues that impact service and customer experience, and implement any instructions given by supervisor. Back to Duty

S11: Use professional methods of communication that are tailored to different situations, and individual and team needs. Back to Duty

S12: Manages own time and workload, prioritising tasks. Back to Duty

S13: Maintain and rotate stock according to life cycle and business processes. Back to Duty

S14: Ensure equipment and technology faults and maintenance issues are reported promptly. Back to Duty

S15: Check customers are satisfied with products and services through questioning and act on feedback in line with business procedures. Back to Duty

S16: Keep up to date with changes to products and processes. Back to Duty

S17: Uses feedback to improve own performance. Back to Duty

S18: Reduces the waste of resources, taking sustainability into account, in line with business expectations. Back to Duty

S19: Follows and supports equity, diversity and inclusion legislation and principles. Back to Duty

S20: Participate in team briefings, implementing instructions, and offering input or feedback where relevant. Back to Duty


B1: Takes responsibility for own health, wellbeing and professional development, seeking support when appropriate. Back to Duty

B2: Commercially aware. Back to Duty

B3: Customer focused. Back to Duty

B4: Be diligent in safe and hygienic working practices. Back to Duty

B5: Be team focused, working collaboratively with colleagues and other professionals Back to Duty

B6: Observe professional standards in own role eg time keeping and appearance. Back to Duty


English and Maths

English and maths qualifications form a mandatory part of all apprenticeships and must be completed before an apprentice can pass through gateway. The requirements are detailed in the current version of the apprenticeship funding rules.

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Employers involved in creating the standard: Aspens-Services, Azzurri, Bar 1842, Compass Group UK&I, English Heritage, Excel Care Holdings, Fish and Chips @ Weston Grove, Fuller, Smith & Turner, Greene King, Heart with Smart Group, McDonald’s UK, Mitchells and Butler, Parkdean Resorts UK Ltd, Pret a Manger, Royal Navy, Shepherd Neame, Somerset Larder, St Austell Brewery, TGI Friday, The Alchemist Bars and Restaurants, The Castle at Taunton, The Inn Collection Group, Whitbread, SSP.

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Approved for delivery Not set Not set

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