Key information

  1. Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
  2. Reference: ST1409
  3. Version: 1.1
  4. Level: 7
  5. Typical duration to gateway: 36 months
  6. Typical EPA period: 6 months
  7. Maximum funding: £27000
  8. Route: Digital
  9. Integration: Degree-apprenticeship
  10. Date updated: 02/10/2024
  11. Approved for delivery: 15 July 2024
  12. Lars code: 764
  13. EQA provider: Office for Students
  14. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.



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Employers involved in creating the standard: Cambridge Regional College, Associated British Foods, BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT, Bedfordshire Police , Birmingham Metropolitan College, British Transport Police , Cambridge Police Force , CCL Solutions , College of Policing, College of Policing , Cranfield University, Deloitte, Forensic Capability Network, Forensics Access , Forgerock, Hertfordshire Constabulary , IntaForensics, Kent Police , Lancashire Police, London Metropolitan Police , MSAB, National Crime Agency, NCI - College, North Wales Police, Northamptonshire Police , Serious Fraud Office, South Wales Police , South West Police Collaboration , Staffordshire , Staffordshire University, Sytech-Consultants , Teesside University, West Midlands Police, West Yorkshire Police

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.1 End point assessment plan revised 02/10/2024 Not set
1.0 Approved for delivery 15/07/2024 01/10/2024

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