This document explains the requirements for end-point assessment (EPA) for the craft bricklayer apprenticeship. End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) must follow this when designing and delivering the EPA.
Craft bricklayer apprentices, their employers and training providers should read this document.
A full-time craft bricklayer apprentice typically spends 18 months on-programme. The apprentice must spend at least 12 months on-programme and complete the required amount of off-the-job training in line with the apprenticeship funding rules.
The EPA should be completed within an EPA period lasting typically 3 months.
The apprentice must complete their training and meet the gateway requirements before starting their EPA. The EPA will assess occupational competence.
An approved EPAO must conduct the EPA for this apprenticeship. Employers must work with the training provider to select an approved EPAO.
This EPA has 3 assessment methods.
The grades available for each assessment method are below.
Assessment method 1 - multiple-choice test:
Assessment method 2 - practical assessment with questions:
Assessment method 3 - interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:
The result from each assessment method is combined to decide the overall apprenticeship grade. The following grades are available for the apprenticeship:
The EPA is taken in the EPA period. The EPA period starts when the EPAO confirms the gateway requirements have been met and is typically 3 months.
The EPAO should confirm the gateway requirements have been met and the EPA should start as quickly as possible.
The apprentice’s employer must be content that the apprentice has attained sufficient KSBs to complete the apprenticeship. The employer may take advice from the apprentice's training provider, but the employer must make the decision. The apprentice will then enter the gateway.
The apprentice must meet the gateway requirements before starting their EPA.
They must:
The apprentice must submit the gateway evidence to their EPAO, including any organisation specific policies and procedures requested by the EPAO.
Portfolio of evidence requirements:
The apprentice must compile a portfolio of evidence during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. It should only contain evidence related to the KSBs that will be assessed by this assessment method. It will typically contain 15 discrete pieces of evidence. Evidence must be mapped against the KSBs. Evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one KSB; a qualitative as opposed to quantitative approach is suggested.
Evidence sources may include:
This is not a definitive list; other evidence sources can be included.
The portfolio of evidence should not include reflective accounts or any methods of self-assessment. Any employer contributions should focus on direct observation of performance (for example, witness statements) rather than opinions. The evidence provided should be valid and attributable to the apprentice; the portfolio of evidence should contain a statement from the employer and apprentice confirming this.
The EPAO should not assess the portfolio of evidence directly as it underpins the interview. The independent assessor should review the portfolio of evidence to prepare questions for the interview. They are not required to provide feedback after this review.
Simulated environments.
It is understood that some skills are used less often but are still required for overall occupational competence. Some apprentices may not apply the skills during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. Therefore, a flexibility has been included in this EPA plan allowing certain skills-based evidence to be captured in a simulated environment. A simulated environment means simulated work carried out at the employers or training providers premises.
Allowing evidence from a simulated environment ensures that there is a fair opportunity for apprentices to gather skills-based evidence for the portfolio of evidence. This is where opportunities to collect evidence in the workplace are not available.
Employers must confirm and verify any simulated evidence reflects the apprentice’s usual work and is fully transferable to the workplace. The employer or training provider must confirm the simulated evidence is the apprentice’s own work.
For this apprenticeship, the apprentice must, as a minimum, collect evidence from the workplace for three out of the four skill requirements listed below. One of the four skill requirements may be carried out in a simulated environment if authentic workplace opportunities are not available. Every effort should be made for the apprentice to access workplace evidence for all four skills before this flexibility is applied.
The four skills in line for this flexibility are:
1. S11: Set out and build, off square, horizontal on plan angled masonry work for example: obtuse or acute angles.
2. S14: Set out and build curved masonry work for example, concave or convex.
3. S17: Set out and build masonry herringbone.
4. S18: Set out and build masonry corbelling.
Simulated environments must:
• afford the apprentice the opportunity to capture sufficient evidence to underpin the grading descriptors for the specific skill being targeted
• have a scenario and specification of defined tasks for the apprentice to complete (or an equivalent structure or format)
• replicate normal working conditions and the naturally occurring activities the apprentice would have likely undertaken in the workplace, as far as practicable (including time pressures, considerations, resources, materials, tools, information, interactions, communication media, lighting, noise and hazards they would reasonably encounter in employer or customer premises)
• allow each apprentice to demonstrate their competence on an individual basis
In the multiple-choice test, the apprentice answers questions in a controlled and invigilated environment. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge mapped to this assessment method.
This assessment method is being used because:
The multiple-choice test must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
The test must be computer based.
The test will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions.
Multiple-choice questions must have four options, including one correct answer.
The apprentice must be given at least 14 days’ notice of the date and time of the test.
The apprentice must have 70 minutes to complete the test.
The test is closed book which means that the apprentice cannot refer to reference books or materials whilst taking the test.
The following equipment is allowed to be used during the test:
The test administrator should provide this equipment in readiness for the test.
The test must be taken in the presence of an invigilator who is the responsibility of the EPAO. The EPAO must have an invigilation policy setting out how the test must be conducted. It must state the ratio of apprentices to invigilators for the setting and allow the test to take place in a secure way.
The EPAO must verify the apprentice’s identity and ensure invigilation of the apprentice for example, with 360-degree cameras and screen sharing facilities.
The EPAO is responsible for the security of the test including the arrangements for on-line testing. The EPAO must ensure that their security arrangements maintain the validity and reliability of the test.
The test must be marked by an independent assessor or marker employed by the EPAO. They must follow a marking scheme produced by the EPAO. Marking by computer is allowed where question types support this.
A correct answer gets 1 mark.
Any incorrect or missing answers get zero marks.
The EPAO is responsible for overseeing the marking of the test.
The apprentice must take the test in a suitably controlled and invigilated environment that is a quiet room, free from distractions and influence. The EPAO must check the venue is suitable.
The test could take place remotely if the appropriate technology and systems are in place to prevent malpractice.
Question and resource development
The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO
should maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.
The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the test:
The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.
In a practical assessment with questions, an independent assessor observes the apprentice completing a task or series of tasks set by the EPAO. The EPAO decides where it takes place. The assessment environment must closely relate to the apprentice’s natural working environment. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
This EPA method is being used because:
The practical assessment with questions must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
An independent assessor must conduct and assess the practical assessment with questions.
The independent assessor must only observe up to four apprentices at a time to ensure quality and rigour. They must be as unobtrusive as possible.
The EPAO must give an apprentice 14 days' notice of the . practical assessment with questions
The practical assessment with questions must take 12 hours.
The independent assessor can increase the time of the practical assessment with questions by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to complete a task or respond to a question if necessary.
The practical assessment with questions may take place in parts but must be completed over 2 working day. A working day is typically considered to be 7.5 hours long. The reason for this split is there is insufficient time to complete the practical task in one working day.
The EPAO must manage invigilation of the apprentice during the assessment, to maintain security of the EPA, in line with their malpractice policy. This includes breaks and moving between locations.
The independent assessor must explain to the apprentice the format and timescales of the practical assessment with questions before it starts. This does not count towards the assessment time.
The independent assessor must observe the following during the practical assessment:
All work should be half round jointed.
Typically, 60 minutes of the total practical assessment time should be allocated for the interpretation of drawings and setting out.
To ensure reliable assessment the tasks will vary but will provide equal challenge. The EPAO will provide the apprentice with a practical assessment specification taken from a bank of practical assessment specifications. Where more than one apprentice is being observed in the same location, each apprentice must be provided with a different practical assessment specification.
Preparation for the EPA:
Where the EPA is administered at the employers or training providers premises, the EPAO may liaise with the employer or training provider to provide resource, set up and equipment requirement information in preparation for the practical activity. Where this is the case, the EPAO must put measures in place to prevent malpractice and reduce predictability.
Arch pillars and other resources required for the practical assessment such as arch centres etc must be pre-fabricated by the EPAO or on behalf of the EPAO prior to the assessment and provided to the apprentice on the day. The voussoir template for the axed arch and all brick cuts must be carried out by the apprentice. An additional competent person may be present to mix mortar and move materials as required.
The EPAO is ultimately responsible for the preparation and quality of resources and equipment to ensure fair assessment.
Standard tolerances (apply to standard walling and non-specific feature work)
Craft bricklaying techniques, specific criteria:
Note: a visual discrepancy should be measured as a defect greater than 15mm in diameter, such as chips, marks, mortar splashes or jointing defect.
Arch and surrounding brick work:
Sloped vertical angle brickwork:
Decorative brickwork panel:
Decorative brick walling
For a pass to be applied the apprentice should achieve all the pass criteria, standard tolerances and pass grading descriptors. For a distinction to be applied the apprentice should also, achieve at least 14 out of 17 distinction criteria, with at least 2 distinction criteria being achieved from each craft technique, plus the distinction grading descriptors.
These activities provide the apprentice with the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
The independent assessor must ask questions. This is to show further depth of understanding.
Questioning must occur during the practical assessment. The time for questioning is included in the overall assessment time.
The independent assessor must ask at least 6 questions during the practical assessment. To remain as unobtrusive as possible, the independent assessor should ask questions during natural breaks in work rather than disrupting the apprentice’s flow. The independent assessor must use the questions from their EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in line with the EPAO’s training.
The independent assessor can ask follow-up questions to clarify answers given by the apprentice. These questions are in addition to the above set number of questions for the practical assessment with questions.
The apprentice may choose to end the assessment method early. The apprentice must be confident they have demonstrated competence against the assessment requirements for the assessment method. The independent assessor or EPAO must ensure the apprentice is fully aware of all assessment requirements. The independent assessor or EPAO cannot suggest or choose to end the assessment methods early, unless in an emergency. The EPAO is responsible for ensuring the apprentice understands the implications of ending an assessment early if they choose to do so. The independent assessor may suggest the assessment continues. The independent assessor must document the apprentice’s request to end the assessment early.
The independent assessor must make the grading decision. The independent assessor must assess the practical assessment and responses to questions holistically when deciding the grade.
The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:
The practical assessment with questions must take place in a simulated environment selected by the EPAO for example, the EPAO’s or employer’s premises. The simulated environment must relate to the apprentice’s natural work environment. Equipment and resources needed for the practical assessment with questions must be provided by the EPAO, who can liaise with the employer to provide these.
The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO must maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.
The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of tasks and questions in the case of re-sits and retakes, to minimise predictability.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the practical assessment with questions:
The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.
In the interview, an independent assessor asks the apprentice questions. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence.
This assessment method is being used because:
The interview must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.
An independent assessor must conduct and assess the interview.
The purpose of the independent assessor's questions is to cover the following themes:
The EPAO must give an apprentice 14 days' notice of the interview.
The independent assessor must have at least 2 weeks to review the supporting documentation.
The apprentice must have access to their portfolio of evidence during the interview.
The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence however, the portfolio of evidence is not directly assessed.
The interview must last for 90 minutes. The independent assessor can increase the time of the interview by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to respond to a question if necessary.
The independent assessor must ask at least 10 questions. The independent assessor must use the questions from the EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in line with the EPAO’s training. Follow-up questions are allowed where clarification is required.
The apprentice may choose to end the assessment method early. The apprentice must be confident they have demonstrated competence against the assessment requirements for the assessment method. The independent assessor or EPAO must ensure the apprentice is fully aware of all assessment requirements. The independent assessor or EPAO cannot suggest or choose to end the assessment methods early, unless in an emergency. The EPAO is responsible for ensuring the apprentice understands the implications of ending an assessment early if they choose to do so. The independent assessor may suggest the assessment continues. The independent assessor must document the apprentice’s request to end the assessment early.
The independent assessor must make the grading decision.
The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:
The interview must take place in a suitable venue selected by the EPAO for example, the EPAO’s or employer’s premises.
The interview should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.
The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO must maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.
The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.
The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:
The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.
Performance in the EPA determines the overall grade of:
An independent assessor must individually grade the: practical assessment with questions and interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence in line with this EPA plan.
The EPAO must combine the individual assessment method grades to determine the overall EPA grade.
If the apprentice fails one assessment method or more, they will be awarded an overall fail.
To achieve an overall pass, the apprentice must achieve at least a pass in all the assessment methods. To achieve an EPA merit, the apprentice must achieve a distinction in the practical assessment as well as a distinction in one other method and a pass in the other method. To achieve an EPA distinction, the apprentice must gain a distinction in all the assessment methods.
Grades from individual assessment methods must be combined in the following way to determine the grade of the EPA overall.
If the apprentice fails one assessment method or more, they can take a re-sit or a re-take at their employer’s discretion. The apprentice’s employer needs to agree that a re-sit or re-take is appropriate. A re-sit does not need further learning, whereas a re-take does. The apprentice should have a supportive action plan to prepare for a re-sit or a re-take.
The employer and the EPAO should agree the timescale for a re-sit or re-take. A re-sit is typically taken within 3 months of the EPA outcome notification. The timescale for a re-take is dependent on how much re-training is required and is typically taken within 6 months of the EPA outcome notification.
Failed assessment methods must be re-sat or re-taken within a 6-month period from the EPA outcome notification, otherwise the entire EPA will need to be re-sat or re-taken in full.
Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to an apprentice wishing to move from pass to a higher grade.
The apprentice will get a maximum EPA grade of pass for a re-sit or re-take, unless the EPAO determines there are exceptional circumstances.
The EPAO must have reasonable adjustments arrangements for the EPA.
This should include:
Adjustments must maintain the validity, reliability and integrity of the EPA as outlined in this EPA plan.
Internal quality assurance refers to the strategies, policies and procedures that an EPAO must have in place to ensure valid, consistent and reliable EPA decisions.
EPAOs for this EPA must adhere to the requirements within the roles and responsibilities table.
They must also appoint independent assessors who:
Affordability of the EPA will be aided by using at least some of the following:
Professional body recognition is not relevant to this occupational apprenticeship.
Version | Change detail | Earliest start date | Latest start date |
1.1 | Occupational standard and end-point assessment revised. 'The apprentice can end the assessment early' wording added to the practical and interview assessment methods. Amendment to K17 to read: victorian weave. | 14/03/2025 | Not set |
1.0 | Approved for delivery | 08/06/2023 | 13/03/2025 |
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