Key information

  1. Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
  2. Reference: ST1318
  3. Version: 1.0
  4. Level: 2
  5. Typical duration to gateway: 24 months
  6. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  7. Maximum funding: £15000
  8. Route: Creative and design
  9. Date updated: 30/08/2023
  10. Approved for delivery: 29 August 2023
  11. Lars code: 723
  12. EQA provider: Ofqual
  13. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.
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End-point assessment plan


Introduction and overview

This document explains the requirements for end-point assessment (EPA) for the junior grip apprenticeship. End-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) must follow this when designing and delivering the EPA.

Junior grip apprentices, their employers and training providers should read this document.

A full-time junior grip apprentice typically spends 24 months on-programme (this means in training before the gateway). The apprentice must spend at least 12 months on-programme and complete the required amount of off-the-job training in line with the apprenticeship funding rules.

The apprentice must complete their training and meet the gateway requirements before starting their EPA. The EPA will assess occupational competence.

An approved EPAO must conduct the EPA for this apprenticeship. Employers must select an approved EPAO from the register of end-point assessment organisations (RoEPAO).

This EPA has 3 assessment methods.

The grades available for each assessment method are below.

Assessment method 1 - interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:

  • fail

  • pass

  • distinction

Assessment method 2 - demonstration of practical skills with questioning:

  • fail

  • pass

Assessment method 3 - project and supplementary questioning:

  • fail

  • pass

  • distinction

The result from each assessment method is combined to decide the overall apprenticeship grade. The following grades are available for the apprenticeship:

  • fail

  • pass

  • distinction

EPA summary table

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Duration of end-point assessment period

The EPA is taken in the EPA period. The EPA period starts when the EPAO confirms the gateway requirements have been met and is typically 3 months.

The EPAO should confirm the gateway requirements have been met and the EPA should start as quickly as possible.

EPA gateway

The apprentice’s employer must be content that the apprentice has attained sufficient KSBs to complete the apprenticeship. The employer may take advice from the apprentice's training provider, but the employer must make the decision. The apprentice will then enter the gateway.

The apprentice must meet the gateway requirements before starting their EPA.

They must:

  • confirm they are ready to take the EPA
  • have achieved English and mathematics qualifications in line with the apprenticeship funding rules

  • submit a portfolio of evidence for the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

Portfolio of evidence requirements:

The apprentice must compile a portfolio of evidence during the on-programme period of the apprenticeship. It should only contain evidence related to the KSBs that will be assessed by this assessment method. It will typically contain 15 discrete pieces of evidence. Evidence must be mapped against the KSBs. Evidence may be used to demonstrate more than one KSB; a qualitative as opposed to quantitative approach is suggested.

Evidence sources may include:

  • workplace documentation and records, for example:
  • workplace policies and procedures
  • witness statements
  • annotated photographs
  • video clips (maximum total duration 5 minutes); the apprentice must be in view and identifiable

This is not a definitive list; other evidence sources can be included.

The portfolio of evidence should not include reflective accounts or any methods of self-assessment. Any employer contributions should focus on direct observation of performance (for example, witness statements) rather than opinions. The evidence provided should be valid and attributable to the apprentice; the portfolio of evidence should contain a statement from the employer and apprentice confirming this.

The EPAO should not assess the portfolio of evidence directly as it underpins the discussion. The independent assessor should review the portfolio of evidence to prepare questions for the discussion . They are not required to provide feedback after this review.

The apprentice must submit the gateway evidence to their EPAO, including any organisation specific policies and procedures requested by the EPAO.

Order of assessment methods

The assessment methods can be delivered in any order.

The result of one assessment method does not need to be known before starting the next.

Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence


In the interview, an independent assessor asks the apprentice questions. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.

The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence.


This assessment method is being used to enable apprentices to be assessed against aspects of the role that could only otherwise be demonstrated through assessment on set. This would be very difficult in this sector as for example, non disclosure agreements may prohibit entry onto sets.


The interview must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.

An independent assessor must conduct and assess the interview.

The purpose is to assess the apprentice’s competence against the following themes:

  • workflow, roles and responsibilities,
  • working relationships,
  • health and safety,
  • tools and equipment,
  • securing employment.

The EPAO must give an apprentice 14 days' notice of the interview.

The independent assessor must have at least 2 weeks to review the supporting documentation.

The apprentice must have access to their portfolio of evidence during the interview.

The apprentice can refer to and illustrate their answers with evidence from their portfolio of evidence however, the portfolio of evidence is not directly assessed.

The interview must last for 60 minutes. The independent assessor can increase the time of the interview by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to respond to a question if necessary.

The independent assessor must ask at least 10 questions. The independent assessor must use the questions from the EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in line with the EPAO’s training. Follow-up questions are allowed where clarification is required.

The independent assessor must make the grading decision.

The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:

  • the apprentice’s answers to questions
  • the KSBs demonstrated in answers to questions
  • the grade achieved 

Assessment location

The interview must take place in a suitable venue selected by the EPAO for example, the EPAO’s or employer’s premises.

The interview can be conducted by video conferencing. The EPAO must have processes in place to verify the identity of the apprentice and ensure the apprentice is not being aided.

The interview should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.

Question and resource development

The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO must maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.

The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.

The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.

The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence:

  • independent assessor assessment materials which include:
    • training materials
    • administration materials
    • moderation and standardisation materials
    • guidance materials
    • grading guidance
    • question bank
  • EPA guidance for the apprentice and the employer

The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.

Demonstration of practical skills with questioning


In a practical assessment with questions, an independent assessor observes the apprentice completing a task or series of tasks set by the EPAO. The EPAO decides where it takes place. The assessment environment must closely relate to the apprentice’s natural working environment. It gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.


This assessment method is being used because it will assess practical skills fundamental to the job. This assessment method allows for practical skills to be assessed in a facilities house, away from set.


The demonstration of practical skills with questioning must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.

An independent assessor must conduct and assess the demonstration of practical skills with questioning.

The independent assessor must only observe one apprentice at a time to ensure quality and rigour. They must be as unobtrusive as possible.

The EPAO must give an apprentice 14 days' notice of the . demonstration of practical skills with questioning

The demonstration of practical skills with questioning must take 5.5 hours.

The independent assessor can increase the time of the demonstration of practical skills with questioning by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to complete a task or respond to a question if necessary.

The demonstration of practical skills with questioning may take place in parts but must be completed over 2 working day. A working day is typically considered to be 7.5 hours long. The reason for this split is because the assessment may take place at more than one facilities house with different equipment being available at each location.

The EPAO must manage invigilation of the apprentice during the assessment, to maintain security of the EPA, in line with their malpractice policy. This includes breaks and moving between locations.

The independent assessor must explain to the apprentice the format and timescales of the demonstration of practical skills with questioning before it starts. This does not count towards the assessment time.

The independent assessor must observe the following during the practical assessment:

Assemble and rig dollies and static mounts. Rig a bazooka or gas bazooka on a staircase with a tubular tongue rigging or slider rigging. The rigging used for this should be different to the one used on the overhanging wall or ledge. Suggested guide time: 1 hour.

Produce a rig on an overhanging wall or ledge with a tubular tongue rigging or slider rigging. The rigging used for this should be different to the one used on the staircase. Suggested guide time:1 hour.

Erect 3 static mounts from the following list: ladder pod, tri hat, hi hat, tall and short legs, bazooka or gas bazooka. Suggested guide time: 1.5 hours.

Assemble and rig 3 different dollies with 3 different heads. Dollies should be produced by Fishers, Chapmans or Elimax. Heads should be from the following list: gear head, slip head, underslung head, tubular tongue rigging and slider rigging. Suggested guide time: 2 hours.

These activities provide the apprentice with the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.

The independent assessor must ask questions. The purpose of the questions is to clarify KSBs that were not fully observed. This must include questions covering K17 and K18 which may not be fully observed in the practical demonstration.

Questioning can occur both during and after the practical assessment. The time for questioning is included in the overall assessment time. The independent assessor must ask at least 4 questions. To remain as unobtrusive as possible, the independent assessor should ask questions during natural stops between tasks and after completion of work rather than disrupting the apprentice’s flow. The independent assessor must use the questions from the EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in line with the EPAO’s training.

The independent assessor can ask follow-up questions to clarify answers given by the apprentice. These questions are in addition to the above set number of questions for the demonstration of practical skills with questioning.

The independent assessor must make the grading decision. The independent assessor must assess the practical assessment and responses to questions holistically when deciding the grade. 

The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:

  • the KSBs observed
  • the apprentice’s answers to questions
  • KSBs demonstrated in answers to questions
  • the grade achieved

Assessment location

The demonstration of practical skills with questioning must take place in a simulated environment selected by the EPAO for example, the EPAO’s or employer’s premises. The simulated environment must relate to the apprentice’s natural work environment. Equipment and resources needed for the demonstration of practical skills with questioning must be provided by the EPAO, who can liaise with the employer to provide these.

Question and resource development

The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO must maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.

The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this. 

The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of tasks and questions in the case of re-sits and retakes, to minimise predictability.

The EPAO must produce the following materials to support the demonstration of practical skills with questioning:

  • independent assessor assessment materials which include:
    • training materials
    • administration materials
    • moderation and standardisation materials
    • guidance materials
    • grading guidance
    • question bank
  • EPA guidance for the apprentice and the employer

The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.

Project and supplementary questioning


A project involves the apprentice completing a significant and defined piece of work that has a real business application and benefit. The project must meet the needs of the employer’s business and be relevant to the apprentice’s occupation and apprenticeship.

This assessment method has 2 components:

  • project with a project output

  • question and answer session

Together, these components give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. They are assessed by an independent assessor.


This assessment method is being used because the time needed, scale and size of the equipment would make it unrealistic to observe the KSBs. Therefore, this is the most appropriate assessment method.


The apprentice must complete a project based on any of the following:

The apprentice must complete the 4 tasks listed below to complete their project.

To ensure the project allows the apprentice to meet the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade, the EPAO must sign-off the project’s title and scope at the gateway to confirm it is suitable. The EPAO must refer to the grading descriptors to ensure that projects are pitched appropriately.

The project output must be in the form of annotated photographic report.

The apprentice must start the project after the gateway. The employer should ensure the apprentice has the time and resources, within the project period, to plan and complete their project.

The apprentice may work as part of a team to complete the project, which could include internal colleagues or technical experts. The apprentice must however, complete their annotated photographic report unaided and it must be reflective of their own role and contribution. The apprentice and their employer must confirm this when the annotated photographic report is submitted.

Component 1: A project with annotated photographic report

The annotated photographic report must include at least:

The apprentice must produce an annotated photographic report based on the 4 tasks listed below. The annotated photographic report must contain 4 photographs per task (16 in total). 3 of the photographs should show the apprentices undertaking the task and 1 photograph should show the completed task. Each photograph must be accompanied by a minimum of 1 sentence to explain what is happening in the photograph. The report gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.

The following tasks must be completed:

  • Lay basic levelled track on undulating ground. Track should be a minimum of 40 feet in length. There should be a high point at least 18 inches. Track should be able to support a dolly.
  • Lay circular track on undulating ground. Track should be an 18 foot circle. There should be a high point of at least 18 inches. Track should be able to support a dolly
  • Lay basic dancefloor with subframes or steel decks. Dancefloor should be a minimum of 12 ft x 12 ft and should have a high point of 2 foot. Dancefloor should be able to support 2 dollys and 4 technicians.
  • Lay basic dancefloor in a studio. Dancefloor should be a minimum of 20 ft x 16 ft and be supported using ¾ boards and skins.

The annotated photographic report must have a word count of 200 words. A tolerance of 10% above or below the word count is allowed at the apprentice's discretion. Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in this total. The apprentice must produce and include a mapping in an appendix, showing how the output evidences the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.

The apprentice must complete and submit the annotated photographic report to the EPAO by the end of week 6 of the EPA period.

Component 2: Question and answer session

The question and answer session must be structured to give the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method to the highest available grade.

The apprentice must be questioned about their project and annotated photographic report.

The question and answer session must last for 30 minutes. The independent assessor must use the full time available for questioning. The independent assessor can increase the total time by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to respond to a question if necessary.

The independent assessor must ask at least 4 questions. They must use the questions from their EPAO’s question bank or create their own questions in line with the EPAO’s training. Follow up questions are allowed where clarification is required.

The purpose of the independent assessor's questions is:

  • to verify that the activity was completed by the apprentice
  • to seek clarification where required
  • to assess those KSBs that the apprentice did not have the opportunity to demonstrate with the annotated photographic report, although these should be kept to a minimum
  • to assess level of competence against the grading descriptors

The independent assessor must have at least 2 weeks to review the annotated photographic report, before the question and answer session, to allow them to prepare questions.

The apprentice must be given at least 14 days’ notice of the question and answer session.

Assessment decision

The independent assessor must make the grading decision. They must assess the project components holistically when deciding the grade.

The independent assessor must keep accurate records of the assessment. They must record:

  • the KSBs demonstrated in the annotated photographic report and question and answer session
  • the apprentice’s answers to questions
  • the grade achieved

Assessment location

The question and answer session must take place in a suitable venue selected by the EPAO for example, the EPAO’s or employer’s premises. It should take place in a quiet room, free from distractions and influence.

The question and answer session can be conducted by video conferencing. The EPAO must have processes in place to verify the identity of the apprentice and ensure the apprentice is not being aided.

Question and resource development

The EPAO must develop a purpose-built assessment specification and question bank. It is recommended this is done in consultation with employers of this occupation. The EPAO must maintain the security and confidentiality of EPA materials when consulting with employers. The assessment specification and question bank must be reviewed at least once a year to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.

The assessment specification must be relevant to the occupation and demonstrate how to assess the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The EPAO must ensure that questions are refined and developed to a high standard. The questions must be unpredictable. A question bank of sufficient size will support this.

The EPAO must ensure that the apprentice has a different set of questions in the case of re-sits or re-takes.

EPAO must produce the following materials to support the project:

  • independent assessor EPA materials which include:
    • training materials
    • administration materials
    • moderation and standardisation materials
    • guidance materials
    • grading guidance
    • question bank
  • EPA guidance for the apprentice and the employer

The EPAO must ensure that the EPA materials are subject to quality assurance procedures including standardisation and moderation.


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Overall EPA grading

Performance in the EPA determines the overall grade of:

  • fail

  • pass

  • distinction

An independent assessor must individually grade the interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence, demonstration of practical skills with questioning and project and supplementary questioning in line with this EPA plan.

The EPAO must combine the individual assessment method grades to determine the overall EPA grade.

If the apprentice fails one assessment method or more, they will be awarded an overall fail.

To achieve an overall pass, the apprentice must achieve at least a pass in all the assessment methods. To achieve an overall distinction, the apprentice must achieve a distinction in the professional discussion and project.

Grades from individual assessment methods must be combined in the following way to determine the grade of the EPA overall.

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Re-sits and re-takes

If the apprentice fails one assessment method or more, they can take a re-sit or a re-take at their employer’s discretion. The apprentice’s employer needs to agree that a re-sit or re-take is appropriate. A re-sit does not need further learning, whereas a re-take does. The apprentice should have a supportive action plan to prepare for a re-sit or a re-take.

The employer and the EPAO should agree the timescale for a re-sit or re-take. A re-sit is typically taken within 3 months of the EPA outcome notification. The timescale for a re-take is dependent on how much re-training is required and is typically taken within 4 months of the EPA outcome notification.

If the apprentice fails the project assessment method, they must amend the project output in line with the independent assessor’s feedback. The apprentice will be given 4 weeks to rework and submit the amended annotated photographic other.

Failed assessment methods must be re-sat or re-taken within a 6-month period from the EPA outcome notification, otherwise the entire EPA will need to be re-sat or re-taken in full.

Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to an apprentice wishing to move from pass to a higher grade.

The apprentice will get a maximum EPA grade of pass for a re-sit or re-take, unless the EPAO determines there are exceptional circumstances.

Roles and responsibilities

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Reasonable adjustments

The EPAO must have reasonable adjustments arrangements for the EPA.

This should include:

  • how an apprentice qualifies for reasonable adjustment
  • what reasonable adjustments may be made

Adjustments must maintain the validity, reliability and integrity of the EPA as outlined in this EPA plan.

Internal quality assurance

Internal quality assurance refers to the strategies, policies and procedures that an EPAO must have in place to ensure valid, consistent and reliable EPA decisions.

EPAOs for this EPA must adhere to the requirements within the roles and responsibilities table.

They must also appoint independent assessors who:

  • have recent relevant experience of the occupation or sector to at least occupational level 3 gained in the last 7 years or significant experience of the occupation or sector

Value for money

Affordability of the EPA will be aided by using at least some of the following:

  • utilising digital remote platforms to conduct applicable assessment methods
  • assessing multiple apprentices simultaneously where the assessment method permits this
  • using the employer’s premises
  • conducting assessment methods on the same day

Professional recognition

This apprenticeship is not aligned to professional recognition.

KSB mapping table

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Mapping of KSBs to grade themes

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Employers involved in creating the standard: Alpha Grips Ltd, Arri Rental, BECTU Certified Branch representative, Chapman UK, Hartswood Films, ITV Studios, MovieTech Pinewood Studios, Panavision London, Pixipixel Rental Limited, Red Planet Pictures, Screen Skills, Warner Brothers

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Approved for delivery 29/08/2023 Not set

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