This is not the latest approved version of this apprenticeship. View the latest version

This apprenticeship is in revision

This revised version of the occupational standard and end-point assessment plan has been agreed and is available for information only pending a decision on the funding.

Key information

  1. Status: Standard in development
  2. Ticked Proposal approved
    Ticked Occupational standard approved
    Ticked End-point assessment plan approved
    Unticked Funding approved
  3. Reference: ST0577
  4. Level: 7
  5. Options: Consultant ecologist, Ecological scientist, Landscape ecologist
  6. Typical duration to gateway: 36 months
  7. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  8. Route: Agriculture, environmental and animal care
  9. Date updated: 10/12/2024
  10. Lars code: 466
  11. EQA provider: Office for Students
  12. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.

This apprenticeship has options. This document is currently showing the following option:



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Employers involved in creating the standard: Aecom, Anglia Ruskin University, Baker Consultants Ltd, Bath and Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Cornwall College, Cornwall Environmental Consultants Ltd, Cranfield University, DEFRA, Derby University, Durham County Council, East Sussex County Council, Elite Ecology, Environment agency, Exeter County Council, Greenspace Ecological Solutions, Harper Adams University, HS2, Jacobs, Kirklees Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Middlemarch Environmental, Nature Bureau, Nature England, Northumbria University, Oxford Brookes University, Southampton City Council, Sparsholt College, Steelite International Ltd, Swift Ecology, University of Greenwich, Warwickshire County Council, Wood plc, Woodland Trust, WSP, Yorkshire Dales National Park, Yorkshire Water

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
Revised version awaiting implementation Not set Not set
1.0 Approved for delivery 28/06/2019 Not set

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