This apprenticeship is in revision
This is not the latest approved version of this apprenticeship. View the latest version
This is the revised version of the Teacher standard and EPA. This is a 4-year degree apprenticeship.
For individuals who already hold an appropriate undergraduate degree, a postgraduate (12-month) route is retained and set out in the assessment plan.
Educating young people to achieve the highest possible standards.
This apprenticeship is currently in development and its contents are subject to change
This occupation is found in a variety of settings where teaching is delivered to pupils between the ages of 3-19. This includes maintained schools, academies, specialist schools, faith schools, and private schools.
A teacher’s primary role is to plan and deliver a high-quality curriculum to their pupils to promote good progress and outcomes. Teachers set high expectations which inspire and challenge pupils and manage behaviour effectively to ensure a safe learning environment. Teachers make accurate and productive use of assessment and adapt their teaching to respond to pupils’ needs. They will have strong subject knowledge and keep their teaching practice up to date through regular professional development.
A teacher's day will look different depending on the type of school they work in and the subject they teach. Each school will have its own timetable and different responsibilities outside of teaching hours. In their daily work, a teacher interacts with children, young people, parents and carers. They will work with the senior leadership team in their school, led by a headteacher or head of school. They interact with teaching colleagues and pastoral and curriculum leads. They will also work closely with specialists such as the special educational needs coordinator and designated safeguarding leads.
A teacher will be responsible for upholding the Teachers' Standards, which set the minimum requirements for teachers' practice and conduct. Teachers demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. They are responsible for safeguarding and must follow statutory guidance set out in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. This includes safeguarding pupils' wellbeing. Teachers are responsible for the pupils in their care. They typically report to a subject or year group coordinator in the first instance, with the headteacher having overall responsibility. Qualified teacher status (QTS) is a legal requirement to teach in maintained schools and is considered desirable for teachers in the majority of schools in England.
Apprentices must meet the entry requirements for initial teacher training (ITT) as set out by the Department for Education (DfE): Initial teacher training (ITT): criteria and supporting advice - GOV.UK (
In line with other ITT routes, entry requirements for the teacher apprenticeship require apprentices to have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics; and ensure that those who intend to train to teach pupils aged 3 to 11 additionally have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 in the GCSE examination in a science subject.
The ITT criteria are clear that all entrants to an ITT course leading to QTS, must have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics. Additionally, for those who intend to teach pupils aged 3 to 11, a standard equivalent to a grade 4 in the GCSE examination in a science subject is required. Where applicants do not have a relevant GCSE at grade 4 or an equivalent qualification, ITT providers can allow them to demonstrate they meet this entry requirement by taking a GCSE equivalency test.
Apprentices without GCSE Grade C/4 or higher in Maths and English or an accepted equivalent qualification (Apprenticeship_standards_English_and_maths_list-Oct2022.ods ( who meet the entry requirement for ITT by taking a GCSE equivalency test, will also be required to achieve Functional Skills in English and Maths at Level 2 or GCSE grade 4-9 as part of the apprenticeship exit requirement.
Duty 1 Plan and teach lessons to the classes they are assigned to teach within the context of the school’s plans, curriculum and schemes of work. |
Duty 2 Assess, monitor, record and report on the learning needs, progress and achievements of assigned pupils. |
Duty 3 Participate in arrangements for preparing pupils for external examinations. |
Duty 4 Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s policies, practices and procedures in such a way as to support the school’s values and vision. |
Duty 5 Work with others on curriculum and pupil development to secure co-ordinated outcomes. |
Duty 6 Promote the safety and well-being of pupils. |
Duty 7 Maintain good order and discipline among pupils. |
Duty 8 Direct and supervise support staff assigned to them and, where appropriate, other teachers. |
Duty 9 Deploy resources delegated to them. |
Duty 10 Participate in arrangements for the appraisal and review of their own performance and, where appropriate, that of other teachers and support staff. |
Duty 11 Participate in arrangements for their own further training and professional development and, where appropriate, that of other teachers and support staff including induction. |
Duty 12 Communicate with pupils, parents, and carers. |
Duty 13 Collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond the school. |
A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standards throughout a teacher’s career.
Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.
A BA or BSc degree that aligns to the occupational standard and leads to the award of QTS.
All official degree titles must contain ‘Teacher Degree Apprenticeship’. Further requirements by phase are as follows:
All courses must adhere to the ITT criteria, encompass all aspects of the ITT Core Content Framework (CCF) and Early Career Framework (ECF) and enable trainees to meet the Teachers’ Standards – which are reflected in the knowledge, skills and behaviours – at the appropriate level so they can be recommended for QTS.
Level: 6 (integrated degree)
This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:
The apprenticeship will typically be 45 months.
Level 6.
This is a Regulated occupation.
Department for Education
Training Provider must be approved by regulator body
EPAO must be approved by regulator body
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Department for Education
Training Provider must be approved by regulator body
EPAO must be approved by regulator body
Version | Change detail | Earliest start date | Latest start date |
Revised version awaiting implementation | In revision | Not set | Not set |
1.0 | Approved for delivery | 19/10/2017 | Not set |