Key information

  1. Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
  2. Reference: ST0144
  3. Version: 1.1
  4. Level: 2
  5. Options: Mobile plant, Static plant
  6. Typical duration to gateway: 18 months
  7. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  8. Maximum funding: £13000
  9. Route: Engineering and manufacturing
  10. Date updated: 22/04/2024
  11. Approved for delivery: 6 June 2017
  12. Lars code: 175
  13. EQA provider: Ofqual
  14. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.

This apprenticeship has options. This document is currently showing the following option:


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Details of the occupational standard

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in various industries processing or producing products. Employers range from small independent businesses to large multi-national corporations. 

This is a core and options apprenticeship standard. Apprentices will complete the core requirements, plus one option:

1. Mobile plant

2. Static plant

The broad purpose of this occupation is to process raw material or waste into a high-quality product, often meeting a product specification. This product may be needed to meet global infrastructure requirements or to improve our environment. Material processing plant operators operate either fixed or mobile specialist plant equipment to a high standard, efficiently and safely complying with legislation, company policies and procedures. It is likely they will specialise on one item of plant and will operate that equipment to a high degree of efficiency. However in some cases operatives may go on to learn to operate multiple items of plant equipment in the production process. In this occupation the operative can process a diverse range of products for various end uses and related manufacturing, such as ready mixed concrete, building and construction products, architectural aesthetic products, landscaping products, waste and recycled products, dimensional stone, cut and carved stone, marine aggregates, mortar, asphalt, cement, wood and timber products, precast or prestressed concrete products, ceramics, metallic, non-metallic or ferrous or non-ferrous alloys. Duties include carrying out proactive and routine maintenance inspections of fixed or mobile specialist plant equipment. They are expected to report plant defects, monitor the quality and specification of the products produced, conduct risk assessments and work to safe operating procedures, communicate with all stakeholders in a busy environment, they will be able to demonstrate a good product knowledge and a strong discipline towards safety, overall health, and sustainability. Employers encourage diversity so operators will be expected to promote the business culture towards a diverse workforce, supporting colleagues in all aspects of overall wellbeing. The associated job roles work with specialist plant and equipment that can be fixed or mobile each capable of moving and processing up to several thousands of tonnes of materials every day. Progression routes from this role can lead to team leaders, shift or site supervisors and managers and operation managers.

In their daily work, an employee  in this occupation interacts with a team of operatives in various aspects of production or process. The operatives will work mainly in an outdoor environment in all seasons and weathers in a diverse range of environments from urban sites to countryside operations.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for processing materials or producing high quality end products for customers, often meeting a strict specification. Operators can work alone as well as in a team and they will work with a level of autonomy operating expensive equipment. Employees are expected to have a high degree of self-discipline, safety first focussed and be able to constructively challenge anyone who may be acting unsafe.  

Typical job titles include:

Asphalt plant operator Concrete plant operator Crushing operator De-barking plant operator Kiln operator Locomotive operator Operations yard operator Packing plant operator Process operator Production plant operator Quarry operator Recycling plant operator Screening operator Washing plant operator

Core occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Conduct prestart and routine safety checks on the equipment and the working area in line with regulations, company policies and procedures.

K1 K2 K8 K9 K12 K13 K15 K17 K18

S1 S2 S4 S5 S9 S11 S13 S15 S16 S17

B2 B6 B7

Duty 2 Carry out mobile or static plant operations sustainably and minimise waste.

K3 K9 K12 K13 K15 K16

S3 S10 S13 S15 S16

B2 B6 B7

Duty 3 Work with colleagues to achieve work goals. Promote overall wellbeing and ensure a positive approach to inclusivity.

K5 K6 K7 K10 K11 K12 K13 K15 K19

S8 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S18 S19

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7

Duty 4 Contribute to continuous improvement activities.

K12 K13 K19

S7 S8 S13 S15 S16

B2 B3 B6 B7

Duty 5 Conduct planned and preventative maintenance in line with regulations, manufacturers guidance, company policies and procedures.

K2 K8 K9 K12 K13 K14 K15

S4 S5 S9 S11 S13 S15 S16 S17

B2 B6 B7

Duty 6 Plan and prepare for the task ensuring availability of equipment and resources.

K1 K2 K3 K8 K12 K13 K15 K16 K17

S5 S6 S9 S13 S15 S16 S17

B2 B6 B7

Duty 7 Complete handover requirements.

K4 K7 K12 K13 K15 K18 K20

S2 S5 S13 S14 S15 S16 S18 S19

B2 B6 B7

Duty 8 Keep stakeholders such as colleagues and line managers informed about materials processing work.

K4 K5 K6 K7 K12 K13

S7 S14 S15 S16 S18 S19

B1 B2 B4 B6 B7

Option duties

Mobile plant duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 9 Operate mobile plant to carry out tasks in line with process operations, regulations, manufacturers guidance, mobile plant operating specifications, and company policies and procedures.

K21 K22 K23 K24 K25

S20 S21 S22 S24

Duty 10 Position mobile plant in designated parking area and carry out shut down process in line with regulations, manufacturers guidance, mobile plant operating specifications, company policies and procedures.

K21 K24


Duty 11 Identify and report issues with materials or products.



Duty 12 Extract materials using mobile plant equipment.

K24 K25

S20 S22 S24

Static plant duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 13 Operate static plant to carry out tasks in line with process operations, regulations, manufacturers guidance, mobile plant operating specifications, and company policies and procedures.

K26 K27 K30

S25 S27 S28 S29

Duty 14 Process materials to meet specification.

K27 K28


Duty 15 Check and maintain stocks of materials for processing.


Duty 16 Monitor quality of raw materials and products during operation.



Duty 17 Adjust the plant equipment to maintain quality and specification of the product.


S25 S27 S29



K1: Processing plant incident management - fire, accidents, near misses, dangerous occurrences. Reporting process. Mitigation methods. Back to Duty

K2: Health and safety regulations, standards, and guidance and impact on role. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH). Fire safety. Hazards and risks. Health and Safety at Work Act. Isolation procedures. Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER). Manual handling. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Safety equipment: guards, signage, fire extinguishers. Risk assessments and safe systems of work. Safety signage. Situational awareness. Slips, trips, and falls. Working in confined spaces. Working at height. Back to Duty

K3: Impact of the sector on the environment. Efficient use of resources. Recycling, reuse and safe disposal of waste. Back to Duty

K4: Reporting and escalation procedures. Back to Duty

K5: Verbal communication techniques. Giving and receiving information. Matching style to audience. Barriers in communication and how to overcome them. Back to Duty

K6: Non-verbal communication techniques: gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact, body language. Back to Duty

K7: Awareness of team working principles. Back to Duty

K8: Tools and equipment used in materials processing. Purpose and operation. Back to Duty

K9: The use of manufacturer’s instructions and manuals. Back to Duty

K10: Awareness of issues and common symptoms and warning signs of stress, anxiety and depression. Where to go for help and the resources available. Back to Duty

K11: Principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and the impact on own work. Back to Duty

K12: Quality assurance requirements and monitoring processes. Back to Duty

K13: Documentation methods and requirements - digital and paper based. Back to Duty

K14: Maintenance practices and techniques: planned, preventative, predictive and reactive methods and their frequency. Back to Duty

K15: Stock requirements. Stock considerations: availability, stock levels, stock lead times, stock rotation and stock quality management. Back to Duty

K16: Raw materials used in materials processing. Where they come from and what they are used for. Back to Duty

K17: Pre-start checks of plant equipment. Back to Duty

K18: Post operation checks of plant equipment. Back to Duty

K19: Learning and development; company policy on identifying learning and development needs and meeting them. Back to Duty

K20: Handover procedures. Back to Duty

K21: Hazards and risks of operating mobile plant equipment. Back to Duty

K22: Operational and technical aspects of mobile plant equipment. Efficient operations, additional cab equipment or operator aids, capabilities of the plant, the correct plant attachment for the task. Back to Duty

K23: Mobile plant specifications and operating limits. Back to Duty

K24: The use of mobile equipment and attachments. Back to Duty

K25: Consumables used in the role. Back to Duty

K26: Hazards and risks of operating static plant equipment. Back to Duty

K27: Operational and technical aspects of fixed plant equipment. Efficient operating processes, capacities, and capabilities of the plant, adjustments of the processes to maintain quality and specification of the product. Back to Duty

K28: Manufactured products and product specifications. Back to Duty

K29: Principles of inspection of raw materials to be used as part of the processing operation. Back to Duty

K30: Emergency stop procedures. Back to Duty


S1: Conduct pre-start checks of plant equipment. Back to Duty

S2: Conduct post operation checks of plant equipment. Back to Duty

S3: Identify and report environmental issues of work undertaken. Back to Duty

S4: Conduct maintenance activities such as planned, preventative, predictive or reactive. Back to Duty

S5: Use materials, fluids or lubricants required for operation and maintenance. Back to Duty

S6: Monitor stock levels. Back to Duty

S7: Monitor end product quality and report issues. Back to Duty

S8: Carry out and record learning and development activities. Back to Duty

S9: Comply with health and safety procedures in compliance with regulations and standards. Comply with safe systems of work. Back to Duty

S10: Follow procedures in line with environmental and sustainability regulations, standards, and guidance. Back to Duty

S11: Lock off and isolate equipment or systems using Lockout, Tag out, Try out (LOTOTO) procedures. Back to Duty

S12: Follow equality, diversity and inclusion procedures. Back to Duty

S13: Identify, organise and use resources to complete tasks, with consideration for cost, quality, safety, security and environmental impact. Back to Duty

S14: Communicate with others verbally for example colleagues and stakeholders. Back to Duty

S15: Record or enter information - paper based or electronic. For example, energy usage, risk assessments, equipment service records, handover documents and manufacturers' documentation, checklists, pre-start and post operation check records, waste records. Back to Duty

S16: Identify and take action when observing unsafe practice. Back to Duty

S17: Carry out risk assessments. Back to Duty

S18: Applies team working principles. Back to Duty

S19: Follow handover procedures. Back to Duty

S20: Use mobile plant equipment to transport materials identified for production. Back to Duty

S21: Operate mobile plant. Back to Duty

S22: Select and checks mobile equipment or attachment. Back to Duty

S23: Identify and report issues with raw materials such as contamination. Back to Duty

S24: Process products. Back to Duty

S25: Operate static plant to produce a manufactured product. Back to Duty

S26: Complete inspection of raw materials. Back to Duty

S27: Monitor static plant processing and adjust tolerances. Back to Duty

S28: Follow emergency stop procedures. Back to Duty

S29: Calibrate equipment prior to use. Back to Duty

S30: Check and confirm raw materials into the correct location. Back to Duty


B1: Team-focus to meet work goals. Back to Duty

B2: Act ethically. Back to Duty

B3: Seek learning and continuous personal development opportunities. Back to Duty

B4: Seek opportunities to help and assist colleagues. Back to Duty

B5: Support an inclusive workplace, for example respectful of different views or beliefs. Back to Duty

B6: Put health and safety first. Back to Duty

B7: Considers the environment and sustainability. Back to Duty


English and Maths

English and maths qualifications form a mandatory part of all apprenticeships and must be completed before an apprentice can pass through gateway. The requirements are detailed in the current version of the apprenticeship funding rules.

Other mandatory qualifications

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Professional recognition

This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:

  • The Institute of Quarrying (IQ) for Associate
  • Institute of Asphalt Technology for Affiliate
  • Institute of Concrete Technology for TechICT
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Employers involved in creating the standard: Tarmac, Long Water Gravel, Hanson, Breedon Group, Omya, Misson Sand and Gravel, Sibelco, Wienerberger, Wainwrights, A W Jenkinson, Aggregate Industries UK Limited, Cemex

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.1 Occupational standard, end-point assessment plan and funding band has been revised. 22/04/2024 Not set
1.0 Approved for delivery 06/06/2017 21/04/2024

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