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Skills. Will be able to: |
Knowledge. Will require a comprehensive understanding of: |
Animal Interaction & Handling
Typical job roles include:
Animal technician
Animal welfare assistant
Animal day care assistant
Farm park assistant
Beyond routine animal husbandry as listed in the core i.e. for animals with specific needs, unknown or unpredictable behaviour i.e animals recovering from routine operations such as neutering, or who may be obese, pregnant or fearful. Behaviour such as barking or pulling on the lead or who react unpredictably when meeting other animals. These animals will have a plan to follow prepared by a more senior person.
- follow a prepared interaction/handling plan to prepare
the animal and resources required i.e. muzzle, collar leads, harnesses, head collars, crush cage, grasper, snake hook, hoods
- undertake interaction/handling activities and use
methods such as desensitisation and socialisation in accordance with the interaction/handling plan
- handle the animal throughout the interaction/handling to promote the animal’s health, normal behaviour and
physical and emotional welfare monitor, report and record the response and welfare of the animal throughout interaction/handling activities
- apply techniques which take into account the animal’s
welfare and emotional wellbeing, such as positive reinforcement to interact/handle the animal
- the preparation of animals for interaction/handling, depending on the animal, the environment and the interaction/handling activities to be undertaken
- signs which indicate mental and physical condition of the animal in response to handling/interactions
- the importance of accurately assessing animal behaviour and welfare before, during and after interactions/handling activities
- the importance of positive reinforcement to the animal and how to provide it
- the monitoring, reporting and recording processes relating to animal responses and animal welfare during interaction and handling
Typical job roles include:
Animal welfare assistant
Zoo keeper assistant
- contribute to the assessment of an animal’s readiness
for rehoming
- provide advice to customers/clients on the suitability of
animals according to their circumstances and experience in line with the workplace policies and procedures
- support customers/clients during the rehoming/intake
process and provide direction to further sources of information and guidance following rehoming of an animal
- contribute to the assessment of the animal during the
intake process
- contribute to the matching process
- the needs of an animal and factors to be assessed in relation to an animal’s readiness for rehoming
- the facilities, care and attention required by different
animals and how to explain these to customers/clients in relation to their circumstances and experience
- the support appropriate and available to
customers/clients during the rehoming/intake process and the sources of information and specialist advice following rehoming/intake of an animal
- the animal intake processes in line with workplace
policies and procedures
Movement and Transportation
Typical job roles include:
Animal collection officer
Animal technician
Wildlife rehabilitation assistant
- prepare means of transport appropriate for animals,
ensuring serviceability and cleanliness
- prepare animals for movement and/or transportation
taking into consideration their welfare potentially dealing with sick or injured animals
- use of appropriate equipment and methods to move
and transport animals ensuring their safety and security
- monitor the physical and emotional health and welfare
of animals during and after movement and transportation
- identify route and contingency plans
- identify if an animal required veterinary care and take
appropriate action
- the legal requirements relating to the movement and
transportation of animals
- the different animals’ requirements, for example life
stage, internal and external environmental factors, climate control and noise
- the preparation required for the movement and/or
transportation of animals
- the appropriate equipment and methods to move and transport animals for example barriers, caging and
- the monitoring of physical and emotional health and welfare of animals during and after movement and transportation
Operational/ Reception Duties
Typical job roles include:
- present a safe, friendly and welcoming reception for
internal and external customers/clients/animals as appropriate
- provide information, advice, support and guidance on a
range of topics such as animal care and welfare to customers/clients and seek advice when necessary
- use appropriate methods of technology for internal and
external communication such as telephone, walkie talkies, email and scanning documents
- prepare, receive and store deliveries of goods including
animal related products such as food stuffs and sundry items
- prepare and display stock for sale, including stock
- take payment for goods, services and charitable
- process customer and animal registrations and
- keep records for individual animals and people in line
with the organisation’s procedures
- the animal product and sundry items safe storage,
display and stock rotation process
- the extent of information, advice, support and
guidance on a range of topics such as animal welfare given to customers within own responsibility
- different methods of payment
- customer enquiries, including complaints and
appropriate action to take in line with organisational policies
- the range of customers/clients/animals and how to
respond appropriately to varied situations applicable to their job role
- the organisation’s policies and procedures for making
customer and animal registrations and bookings
Typical job roles include:
Animal welfare
Assistant (breeding centre)
Animal technician
Zoo keeper assistant (breeding programme)
- prepare animals and environment for mating
- monitor animals during parturition, recognising signs of
- carry out general care of animals through gestation
- prepare and manage pregnant animals pre and post parturition
- provide appropriate care and monitoring of neonates
- carry out procedures for caring for the young (once weaned) and introducing them to new environments
- socialise young animals appropriately
- the stages of gestation
- behavioural changes
- the changes to the dietary/nutritional and exercise requirements throughout the reproductive cycle
- the various stages of parturition and issues that can occur
- social and environmental factors which will impact on development
- socialisation periods associated to species
- signs and symptoms of common disorders associated
with inbreeding/ conformation/exaggerated features and how to prevent them
Zoos, Aquaria and Exotics
Typical job roles include:
Assistant zoo keeper
Animal handler
Pet retail assistant
Animal technician
- maintain security of boundaries and enclosures in relation to legislation
- respond appropriately to actual and/or potential
emergency situations e.g. escaped animal
- carry out animal monitoring activities such as annual
- obtain information on the animal from appropriate
sources to help determine the nature of its behaviour
- identify normal and abnormal behaviours in animals
and respond accordingly
- set up enclosures/aquarium in accordance with the
intended purpose
- contribute to the animal conservation plan and targets
- plan and implement interpretative activities i.e.
educational information boards
- captive and wild behaviour of the animal
- the principles of ethical breeding
- captive and natural behaviour
- abnormal behaviours (stereotypes and imprinting)
- awareness of conservation, rehabilitation and
- predator/prey awareness
- the zoo licence and recording of data
- basic capture and release techniques of native wild
- basic enclosure design including security, double
doors, boundaries
- emergency protocols e.g. animal escaping
- awareness of social/solitary needs of animals
- the importance of being able to accurately identify zoo,
aquaria and exotics
- legal and ethical implications of moving and
transporting wild animals
Working Dog Handler
Typical job roles include:
Animal handler
Security dog handler
Services dog handler
Search and rescue dog handler
- fit and maintain appropriate equipment, ensuring the dog can operate safely
- conduct refresher/maintenance training with the support of a helper and dog trainer at an appropriate frequency
- to maintain the minimum standard of operational
performance. interpret the dog’s behaviour and indications and react accordingly to the operational situation
- ensure that the dog team (handler and dog) maintains
the minimum standard of operational performance as determined by national standards or the employers’ policies and procedures
- operate the dog team within the legal and ethical
framework associated with their employment
- transport working dogs
- how the dogs’ characteristics (physical and sensory) are used by the dog to deliver the operational effect
- issues involving the dogs’ stress and emotional responses, i.e. how to gauge and read the theoretical and practical applications of the characteristics and
how this can affect the dog’s performance in its specific role
- how to maintain trained behaviour to minimum
operational standards
- individual dog body language and behaviour traits
- moving and transporting working dogs
Wildlife Rehabilitation
Typical job roles include:
Wildlife rehabilitation assistant
Zoo keeper assistant
Farm park assistant
- respond to collection requests
- identify wild animals that are suitable for rehabilitation
and release
- plan and undertake rehabilitation for release into the
- capture and handle healthy and casualty wild animals
- move and transport wild animals appropriately
- release and monitor wild animals as appropriate
- carry out the hand rearing of wildlife species
- identify a range of different species (wildlife) or breeds
(domestic) in order to understand the behavioural and ecological needs of the animal as well as be aware of the potential risks it may pose
- the differences between treating and interacting with domestic and wildlife species
- rehabilitation policies and procedures including the
need to record the specific location, date and time of collection of wildlife
- the principles of releasing rehabilitated animals
- post release monitoring
- the basic legal and ethical implications pertaining to
wildlife rehabilitation and transport
- knowledge of legislation and licences specific to
wildlife rehabilitation
- abnormal behaviours in relation to stereotypic and
- the principles and procedures in relation to orphan
wildlife species hand rearing legislation and methods
Veterinary Care Support
Typical job roles include:
Veterinary care assistant
Animal welfare assistant
support, as directed, a veterinary surgeon / veterinary nurse in a clinical environment with:
- dealing with potential and actual emergency situations
pre and post-operative care
- patient monitoring for example anaesthetic monitoring
in-patient care
- diagnostic care/tests/X-rays – positioning and exposing
- the dispensing and administration of medication
end of life care for pets and providing support for the owner
- common medical, behavioural and surgical care
- the principles of care and related procedures and how
to deal with these
- clinical parameters of common species seen in a
veterinary environment
- legislation and limitations in relation to role and
responsibilities in a clinical environment
- legislation in relation to the dispensing and
administering of medication
- end of life care processes, procedures and support
- how to deal with emotional customers/clients