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2020 - Draft outline content for Media, Broadcast and Production (MBP) T Level (closed)
Consultation now closed
2021 - Draft outline content for the T Level in Agriculture, Land Management and Production (closed)
Consultation now closed
Exciting consultation opportunity to help shape new media, broadcast and production T Level
19 May 2020
Help shape an exciting new classroom-based technical qualification for young people who want to train for careers across media, broadcast and production through our public consultationStudents will be trained to work on live events and theatre productions, film, radio, television, and content creation for online content
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (the Institute) is seeking views on draft outline content for an exciting new T Level for media, broadcast and productio...
Introduction to Higher Technical Qualifications
There is a growing demand for skills at levels 4 and 5 from employers and learners. The number of learners taking qualifications at level 4 and 5 is low compared to other countries and other levels of education.
Level 3 – Occupational-entry technical qualifications – 16 to 19 and adult
Regulation and recognition
To submit qualifications to be considered for approval by IfATE applicants must ensure they are recognised by Ofqual to offer qualifications at level 3 in the associated sector subject area.
Qualifications regulated by Ofqual and the organisations offering them are expected to be compliant with the General Conditions of Recognition as well as relevant level conditions.
Route panels
Route panels are responsible for ensuring that apprenticeship standards and T Level qualifications are high quality and meet the needs of employers, apprentices and learners and the economy at large.
Level 2 – Occupational-entry technical qualifications – 16 to 19 and adult
Regulation and recognition
To submit qualifications to be considered for approval by IfATE applicants must ensure they are recognised by Ofqual to offer qualifications at Level 2 in the associated sector subject area.
Qualifications regulated by Ofqual and the organisations offering them are expected to be compliant with the General Conditions of Recognition as well as relevant qualification level conditions.
Occupational maps
Occupational Maps show where technical education can lead.
Information for students; welcome to the nexT Level
Qualification categories explained
An overview of IfATE specified categories of technical qualifications.