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Qualification categories
An overview of IfATE specified categories of technical qualifications.
Health and science
Health and science
This section summarises the occupations that have been added and removed from the Health and Science occupational map as a result of the consultation and responds to additional comments that were submitted.
Breakdown of respondents
Summary of responses
Respondents proposed additional occupations for inclusion on the map and, after analysis, the following occupations have been added as standards awaiting development:
Bioinformatics Technician
Cell Biology/Microbiology Techn...
Information for students; welcome to the nexT Level
Strategic plan 2021 to 2024
The board has set the vision for the organisation and intend to realise this through three strategic priorities.
Digital route review : review report
The review focused on the content of the occupational standard in the first instance, recognising that any changes required may need to be reflected in the assessment plan and funding band (the other elements of an apprenticeship standard). The Digital Route was chosen because it was seen as a route subject to fast changing technology which presents unique challenges to maintaining contemporary relevance in training.
Change requests
There are three types of permanent change requests that can be raised against occupational standards and apprenticeships:
Corrections - used to address typographical errors, or make grammatical changes to add clarity.
Adjustments - used to make changes that IfATE deems will not impact the Occupational Map, funding band, or result in a material change to the assessment or occupational competency of learners.
Sales, marketing and procurement route review
That review aimed to understand how the occupational maps work for employers and learners. And what needs to improve across the SMP route.
Construction route review
I am pleased to be able to present the construction route review which aims to ensure that all the occupational standards included in the route provide the training needed by the sector for its current and future workforce.
As we share the findings of this review, we hope that the sector can remain resilient, continue to embrace technical education and work with us to find creative solutions to any challenges.
Climate change and environmental skills strategy
Apprenticeships and technical education can help achieve sustainable growth while meeting net zero targets.
Catering and hospitality route review
The review aimed to understand how our occupational maps and training products work for employers and learners and what needs to improve.
We engaged with numerous stakeholders who, time and again, demonstrated an impressive level of passion for apprenticeships and technical education.