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Digital learning designer
Approved for delivery (available for starts) from 25 May 2023
Level 5
24 months
Max funding: £16000
A digital designer works closely with colleagues to deliver high-quality learning activities.
What are T Levels?
Students will learn about their chosen sectors through a curriculum designed by employers and developed by an awarding organisation (AO) industry placement runs for a minimum of 315 hours (45 days) overall and will give students practical insights into their sector and an opportunity to embed the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom English, maths and
provision is also built into the classroom-based element of the T Level, meaning students will be given a solid foundation of tr...
Level 3 – Occupational-entry technical qualifications – adult only
Samples should demonstrate evidence that employers’ views have been sought during the design of the qualification and how these views have impacted the qualification’s design, for example, what changes were made because of employer feedback samples of desk research evidence that was used to inform qualification development decisions samples of evidence which demonstrates that a suitable range and number of employers agree that there is a need for the qualification and that the content has been...
Level 3 – Occupational-entry technical qualifications – 16 to 19 and adult
Samples should demonstrate evidence that employers’ views have been sought during the design of the qualification and how these views have impacted the qualification’s design, for example, what changes were made because of employer feedback samples of desk research evidence that was used to inform qualification development decisions samples of evidence which demonstrates that a suitable range and number of employers agree that there is a need for the qualification and that the content has been ...
Level 2 – Occupational-entry technical qualifications – 16 to 19 and adult
As a minimum, the evidence pack must include the following: details of all employers engaged by the applicant during the qualification design and validation process during the design of the qualification and how these views have impacted the qualification’s design, for example, what changes were made because of employer feedback samples of desk research evidence that was used to inform qualification development decisions samples of evidence which demonstrates that a suitable range and number...
Apprentice panel
The panel makes sure that the views of apprentices are represented across the work and governance of IfATE.
Occupational standards in scope (level 3, cycle 1)
Engineering and Manufacturing Construction and the Built Environment Health and Science Education and Childcare Our occupational standards contain the knowledge, skills and behaviours identified by employers as required to competently perform an occupation. To ensure occupational standards remain current, they are regularly reviewed and revised against the needs of employers.
T Level progression profiles
T Levels in
There are three
T Levels. Please follow the link below to find the progression options and profile for all three T Levels across wave 1 and wave 2: a) T Level in
production, design and development b) T Level in
support services c) T Level in
business services T Levels in Construction There are three construction T Levels.
Route panels
Route panels are responsible for ensuring that apprenticeship standards and T Level qualifications are high quality and meet the needs of employers, apprentices and learners and the economy at large.
Strategic plan 2021 to 2024
The board has set the vision for the organisation and intend to realise this through three strategic priorities.
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