What is an MoU?

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), is an agreement between organisations. It is a not legally binding but it outlines how they will work together.

  • MoUs agree the aims, responsibilities, and expectations of each organisation involved
  • MoUs are not legal documents, they are a commitment to work together
  • MoUs are often the first step in a relationship between organisations and build the foundation for a future partnership
  • there is a difference between MoUs and contracts. Contracts are legally binding, but MoUs focus on collaboration


Why is an MoU important?

There are several benefits to formalising a partnership through an MOU, it provides:

  • clarity about what each organisation is going to do, what they are getting out, and timeframes
  • a chance to tell others about the partnership, the benefits, and who is contributing to it

It makes the partnership sustainable by providing:

  • a chance to include it into the organisational strategy
  • a chance to maintain the partnership with changes of staff
  • an opportunity to share responsibility, and stop individuals having increased workloads


1. Ofqual and IfATE

Ofqual and IfATE working together

This Ofqual and IfATE Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by:

Jennifer Coupland. Chief Executive of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

5 February 2024.

Sir Ian Bauckham. Chief Regulator of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).

7 February 2024. 

This Memorandum of Understanding replaces a previous Memorandum of Understanding published in 2018.


2. Enginuity and IfATE

Enginuity and IfATE working together

Enginuity and IfATE have reached a Memorandum of Understanding and it has been signed by:

Jennifer Coupland. Chief Executive of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

8 July 2024.

Ann Watson. Chief Executive of Enginuity.

27 June 2024. 


3. The Office for Students (OfS) and IfATE

The Office for Students (OfS) and IfATE working together

The Office for Students and IfATE Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by:

Nikki Christie. Deputy Director for the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

January 2024

Jean Arnold. OfS Deputy Director of Quality.

January 2024.

This MoU is for the purpose of External Quality Assurance (EQA). Specifically, for the EQA arrangements for higher and integrated degree apprenticeships.


4. WorldSkills UK and IfATE

WorldSkills UK and IfATE working together

This WorldSKills UK and IfATE Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by:

Jennifer Coupland. Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).

29 February 2024

Ben Blackledge, Chief Executive

13 March 2024.


5. Page last updated

Published 1 August 2024
Last updated 26 September 2024
(KD, NS)