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This apprenticeship has been retired

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Royal apprenticeships

These are Green apprenticeships which have been hand-picked by industry experts to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

Key information

  1. Status: Retired
  2. Reference: ST1321
  3. Version: 1.0
  4. Level: 3
  5. Options: Forest establishment and maintenance craftsperson, Forest harvesting craftsperson
  6. Typical duration to gateway: 24 months
  7. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  8. Maximum funding: £14000
  9. Route: Agriculture, environmental and animal care
  10. Date updated: 13/11/2024
  11. Lars code: 683
  12. EQA provider: Ofqual
  13. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.

This apprenticeship has options. This document is currently showing the following option:



Apprenticeship summary

Overview of the role

Carry out the practical operations required to create, maintain and harvest forests and woodlands.

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in forestry and land management. This includes governmental, non-governmental, private, public, charitable and local authority organisations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that have an interest in forestry and woodland creation and management. Landowning organisations or private estates may employ their own forest craftsperson(s) and or use contractors who employ forest craftspersons.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to carry out the practical operations required to create, maintain and harvest forests and woodlands. Most employers will specialise in either establishment and maintenance, or harvesting. Employees in both sub-sectors would be expected to be aware of the full range of forestry operations, and to understand the commercial, environmental and social impacts of forestry. Establishment and maintenance operatives will carry out the range of duties required to prepare the ground, plant trees and undertake ongoing maintenance, including weeding, beating up and pruning. Harvesting operatives will carry out the range of duties required to fell, process and extract trees and timber. This occupation works predominantly in either established forests, woodlands or on open land. They need to be able and willing to do practical work outdoors in all weathers. Forestry and woodland sites are often in remote locations and the ability to travel independently to access sites is advantageous.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with colleagues including land owners, team leaders or work supervisors, and forest craftspersons. They may need to communicate with members of the public and other land management operatives in the course of their work.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for initiating and completing their own work to specification, with minimal supervision, ensuring they meet set deadlines. They are responsible for meeting quality requirements and working in accordance with legislation, environmental, health, safety and welfare considerations. They are accountable for the health and safety of themselves and others. They are expected to exercise responsibility, autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. They perform tasks that are complex and non-routine and may be in a variety of contexts. Forest operatives are responsible for checking their tools, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) are maintained and safe to use. They report to team leaders and or works supervisors.

Typical job titles include:

Chainsaw operator Green leaf Forest craftsperson Green leaf Forest operative Green leaf Forest worker Green leaf Recreation ranger Green leaf Tree establishment operative or contractor Green leaf Tree planter Green leaf Wildlife ranger Green leaf

End-point assessment summary

ST1321, forest craftsperson level 3

This is a summary of the key things that you – the apprentice and your employer need to know about your end-point assessment (EPA). You and your employer should read the EPA plan for the full details. It has information on assessment method requirements, roles and responsibilities, and re-sits and re-takes.

What is an end-point assessment and why it happens

An EPA is an assessment at the end of your apprenticeship. It will assess you against the knowledge, skills, and behaviours (KSBs) in the occupational standard. Your training will cover the KSBs. The EPA is your opportunity to show an independent assessor how well you can carry out the occupation you have been trained for.

Your employer will choose an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) to deliver the EPA. Your employer and training provider should tell you what to expect and how to prepare for your EPA.

The length of the training for this apprenticeship is typically 24 months. The EPA period is typically 3 months.

The overall grades available for this apprenticeship are:

  • fail
  • pass
  • distinction

When you pass the EPA, you will be awarded your apprenticeship certificate.

EPA gateway

The EPA gateway is when the EPAO checks and confirms that you have met any requirements required before you start the EPA. You will only enter the gateway when your employer says you are ready.

The gateway requirements for your EPA are:

  • achieved English and mathematics qualifications in line with the apprenticeship funding rules
  • for the professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence,

  • passed any other qualifications listed in the occupational standard

For the forest craftsperson, the qualification required is:

(Core) QNUK Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work +F (RQF) or QA Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid +F (RQF) or FAA Level 3 Award in Forestry First Aid

(Core) Lantra Awards Level 2 Award In Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting or City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate of Competence in Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-Cutting

(Core) Lantra Awards Level 2 Award In Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm or City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate of Competence in Felling Small Trees up to 380mm

(Establishment & Maintenance) Lantra Awards Level 2 Award in Safe Use of Pesticides or City & Guilds Level 2 Principles of safe handling and application of pesticides

(Establishment and Maintenance) ) Lantra Awards Level 2 Award in the Safe Application of Pesticide Using Hand Held Equipment or City & Guilds Level 2 Award In The Safe Application of Pesticides Using Pedestrian Hand Held Equipment

(Establishment and Maintenance) City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award In the Safe Use of Brush-cutters and Trimmers

(Establishment and Maintenance) City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award In the Safe Use of Forestry Clearing Saw

(Harvesting) Lantra Awards Level 3 Award In Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees Using a Chainsaw or City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate of Competence in Individual Windblown Trees

(Harvesting) Lantra Awards Level 3 Award In Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm or City & Guilds Level 3 Certificate of Competence in Felling and Processing Medium Trees Over 380mm and up to 760mm

Assessment methods

Practical assessment with questions

You will be observed by an independent assessor completing a set of tasks. It will last 210 minutes. They will ask you at least 12 questions.

Multiple-choice test

You will complete a multiple-choice test. It will be closed book, meaning you will not have access to any books or reference materials.
In the test you can have:


writing materials

The test will have 30 multiple-choice questions. You will have 60 minutes to complete it.

Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

You will have a professional discussion with an independent assessor. It will last 70 minutes. They will ask you at least 12 questions. The questions will be about certain aspects of your occupation. You can use it to help answer the questions.

The EPAO will confirm where and when each assessment method will take place.

Who to contact for help or more information

You should speak to your employer if you have a query that relates to your job.

You should speak to your training provider if you have any questions about your training or EPA before it starts.

You should receive detailed information and support from the EPAO before the EPA starts. You should speak to them if you have any questions about your EPA once it has started.

Reasonable adjustments

If you have a disability, a physical or mental health condition or other special considerations, you may be able to have a reasonable adjustment that takes this into account. You should speak to your employer, training provider and EPAO and ask them what support you can get. The EPAO will decide if an adjustment is appropriate.

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Employers involved in creating the standard: Ground Control Goetre Villa Adrow Barcham - The Tree Specialists Bartlett Tree Experts Beachwood Trees and Landscape Ltd Camps Environmental Services Ltd Cormac Solutions Ltd Jenks Oxford Ltd Lockhart Garratt London Borough of Barnet London Borough of Bexley London Borough of Lambeth Quaife Woodlands Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Savills Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Sedgemoor Tree Services Sharon Hosegood Associates The Tree Company Tim Moya Associates Tree Maintenance Ltd Treetech Arboricultural Services Ltd Woodland Trust Chatsworth House Trust CRC Ecology English Heritage Euroforest Forest Services Forestry England London Borough of Waltham Forest M&S Woodland Services Martin Glynn FICFOR National Trust Nurture Landscapes Royal Horticultural Society Say it with wood Wildways

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.1 Occupational standard and end point assessment plan revised 13/11/2024 Not set
1.0 Approved for delivery 18/08/2022 12/11/2024

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