Key information

  1. Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
  2. Reference: ST0002
  3. Version: 1.2
  4. Level: 3
  5. Typical duration to gateway: 15 months
  6. Typical EPA period: 3 months
  7. Maximum funding: £12000
  8. Route: Legal, finance and accounting
  9. Date updated: 01/08/2023
  10. Approved for delivery: 7 September 2016
  11. Lars code: 133
  12. EQA provider: Ofqual
  13. Example progression routes:
  14. Review: this apprenticeship will be reviewed in accordance with our change request policy.



Apprenticeship summary

Overview of the role

Carrying out routine financial activities and support for businesses and organisations of all types and sizes.

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in all sectors and industries, including the private and the public sector. This ranges from small organisations through to large global corporations and government bodies.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to support internal and external customers in the administration of their financial and accounting activities. They may work as an assistant accountant in a practice or alternatively within the finance function of an organisation. An assistant accountant helps in the operation of day-to-day financial activities. These may include data entry to month end management accounts and year-end financial statements. In addition, the assistant accountant may find themselves involved in regulatory financial requirements. These may include the completion of VAT returns or assisting in the preparation of tax computations.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders to deliver accurate and timely accounts services. This will include their line manager and team members, together with the workers and the clients of the organisation they are managing accounts for. They may liaise with software departments, or houses, where the accounts system is hosted externally.

An assistant accountant will be responsible for managing their own caseload and time whilst reporting to a more senior accountant.

Typical job titles include:

Accounting technician Accounts clerk Assistant accountant Assistant cashier Bookkeeper Finance assistant Purchase ledger clerk Sales ledger clerk

End-point assessment summary

ST0002, assistant accountant level 3

This is a summary of the key things that you – the apprentice and your employer need to know about your end-point assessment (EPA). You and your employer should read the EPA plan for the full details. It has information on assessment method requirements, roles and responsibilities, and re-sits and re-takes.

What is an end-point assessment and why it happens

An EPA is an assessment at the end of your apprenticeship. It will assess you against the knowledge, skills, and behaviours (KSBs) in the occupational standard. Your training will cover the KSBs. The EPA is your opportunity to show an independent assessor how well you can carry out the occupation you have been trained for.

Your employer will choose an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) to deliver the EPA. Your employer and training provider should tell you what to expect and how to prepare for your EPA. 

The length of the training for this apprenticeship is typically 15 months. The EPA period is typically 3 months.

The overall grades available for this apprenticeship are:

  • fail
  • pass
  • merit
  • distinction

When you pass the EPA, you will be awarded your apprenticeship certificate.

EPA gateway

The EPA gateway is when the EPAO checks and confirms that you have met any requirements required before you start the EPA. You will only enter the gateway when your employer says you are ready.

The gateway requirements for your EPA are:

  • achieved English and mathematics qualifications in line with the apprenticeship funding rules
  • for the professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio, you must submit a portfolio of evidence

  • passed any other qualifications listed in the occupational standard

For the assistant accountant, the qualification required is:

AAT Advanced Diploma in Accounting

AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting

Assessment methods

Multiple choice test

You will complete a multiple-choice test. It will be open book, meaning you can have access to some books or reference materials.
 In the test you can have:

Apprentices may bring with them pens, pencils, erasers, and a scientific or accountancy calculator.

Calculators must not emit audible tones or function as any other digital device.

Apprentices must not have access to the internet for the duration of the assessment. This includes any potential technological, web-enabled sources of information such as, but not limited to, iPods, mobile phones, MP3/4 players, smart watches which have a data storage device.

No other equipment is allowed.

The test will have 40 multiple-choice questions. You will have 150 minutes to complete it.

Professional discussion

You will have a professional professional discussion with an independent assessor. It will last 60 minutes. They will ask you at least 10 questions. The questions will be about certain aspects of your occupation. You need to compile a before the EPA gateway. You can use it to help answer the questions.

Who to contact for help or more information

You should speak to your employer if you have a query that relates to your job.

You should speak to your training provider if you have any questions about your training or EPA before it starts.

You should receive detailed information and support from the EPAO before the EPA starts. You should speak to them if you have any questions about your EPA once it has started.

Reasonable adjustments

If you have a disability, a physical or mental health condition or other special considerations, you may be able to have a reasonable adjustment that takes this into account. You should speak to your employer, training provider and EPAO and ask them what support you can get. The EPAO will decide if an adjustment is appropriate.

Professional recognition

This apprenticeship aligns with AAT for Qualified Bookkeeper

Please contact the professional body for more details.

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Employers involved in creating the standard: East Cheshire NHS Trust, Hampshire County Council, Derbyshire NHS Trust, Fortus, Lovewell- Blake, Campbell Dallas, Azets, RSM, Armstrong Watson, Worcestershire Local Authority, Network Rail, Co-operative Retail, Grant Thornton.

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.2 End-point assessment plan, standard and funding revised. 01/08/2023 Not set
1.1 The funding band for this standard has been reviewed as part of the apprenticeship funding band review. The new funding band is £8000 03/10/2018 31/07/2023
1.0 Retired 07/09/2016 02/10/2018

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