A Barista with Down's Syndrome is being trained on the job.

Delivering opportunity through technical education and apprenticeships: IFATE’s equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) strategy

This strategy sets out IfATE’s role in widening opportunity through technical education. Its purpose is to show how we can build a skills system that supports everyone, no matter their background, to access high quality technical education and skills opportunities which lead to good jobs and technical careers.

The commitments within the strategy span IfATE’s roles as a decision maker, an authority within the wider sector, and as an employer.

As a decision maker, we are committed to the pursuit of equity, diversity, and inclusion in education, including through our equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) framework and toolkit that will put EDI consideration at the forefront of how we develop, approve, and review occupational standards, apprenticeships, and technical qualifications.

As an authority within the sector, we will improve access to technical education, through a simpler skills system that works for everyone.

As an employer of over 300 people, we want to lead by example by sustaining conditions where all our staff feel that they are treated fairly and can reach their full potential. 

We are grateful to the expert organisations, sector stakeholders and other government organisations engaged throughout the development of this document.


Published 14 March 2023
Last updated 14 March 2023