We’re looking for an outstanding individual to lead our hair and beauty route panel as it focuses on the beauty side of the industry’s training needs. 

As chair of the panel, you’ll play a vital part in helping shape skills training for the sector so that:

  • businesses, micro, small and large, can secure the skills they need to grow and thrive
  • people from all backgrounds have access to the brilliant career opportunities that exist in the hair and beauty sector

You’ll lead and shape the work of the expert employers who sit on our hair and beauty panel. They make sure that apprenticeships and technical qualifications match workplace realities, so that individuals and employers in the sector can develop the skills they need to succeed. 


What is the role of route panels?

Route panels meet every eight weeks to:

  • review the development of apprenticeships and technical qualifications for their sector
  • provide a strategic view of sector needs
  • help shape our approach to meeting new and emerging skills needs


What are we looking for?

Like all our route panel members, you’ll be an employer with a track record of achievement in your profession, ideally from the beauty side of the industry. You'll also have the expert knowledge and experience to offer a real-world view of skills needs in the sector. We don't expect you to be a training expert. But you will need to have an appreciation of the kind of training and development best suited to building occupational skills. 

Importantly, you’ll be an accomplished leader. You’ll have the strategic mindset needed to see the bigger picture for the whole sector, not just your business. You’ll also have a strong focus on quality, as well as the credibility and authority to win trust and gather the collective wisdom and insights of diverse panel members. 

To apply, you’ll need to be an employee or employer who is currently working or has recently worked in the sector.

We pay a small fee to route panel chairs for attending and leading panel meetings. We also reimburse all reasonable travel and subsistence expenses.

Read the full route panel role description and person specification.


How to apply 

If you are passionate about the future of the hair and beauty sector and the skills it needs to grow and thrive, we’d love to hear from you. 

To express your interest in applying for the chair position, send:

  • a copy of your CV
  • a supporting statement setting out your reasons for applying and the difference you will make in this role 

to: ifa.chair@education.gov.uk 

We are committed to eliminating discrimination, valuing diversity and promoting equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. If you have a disability, please let us know of any adjustments we can make to support you during the recruitment process.