The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (the Institute) will extend apprenticeship flexibilities until at least the end of March.

The Institute will prolong special measures allowing for the completion of apprenticeships through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decision to extend apprenticeship flexibilities until at least the end of March will provide much-needed stability as the nation enters in to a second national lockdown from today (5 November).

The Institute’s chief executive Jennifer Coupland has the following message for the sector.

“The Institute is determined to do everything we can to support, inform, and reassure the sector through these uncertain and highly challenging times,” she said.
“The flexibilities have done a fantastic job with helping apprentices complete their apprenticeships while still upholding quality and this will now continue until at least the end of March.”

The flexibilities have been rolled out for more than 100 apprenticeships to ensure learners are still able to complete their studies. In most cases they allow for high quality remote rather than face-to-face assessment.

The Institute previously announced in July that these special measures, agreed with employer and training groups for different apprenticeship sectors,  would be retained into January 2021.

The list of apprenticeships that currently have flexibilities in place can be viewed on the Institute’s website.

They will support the Institute’s key objectives through lockdown and beyond to protect the safety of everyone involved with apprenticeships and sustain a resilient skills system that meets the needs of employers.

Jennifer added: “Our thoughts are with everyone facing up to the huge challenge of a second national lockdown.
“Having been through this once before, we are much better prepared with apprenticeship flexibilities, government financial support packages and more established online training and assessment practices already in place.’
“We are always open to ideas and welcome feedback, especially from those on the ground who are doing so much to keep apprenticeships and technical education going.”

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